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Siddharth focus on preparing for the contest. He get the perfect partner he wish for.

Avneet is understanding his problems, which is the best thing can happen right now.

One week passed away,

Siddharth and Avni didn't had any long conversation in this one week they were pair up for this contest but lack of co ordination make them little weak in competition against all the other participants.

And this made their try with in this competition.

And they ranked 5th in 100 participants, which can be appreciate but can't be rewarded in the competition because the rewards are just for rank 1, 2 and 3.

This competition price amount wasn't big for Avni but sid was thinking that if he got that he can make his family so happy.

He came out with an upset face.

Avni : hey listen sid.

Sid stopped and turned when he saw avni coming to him.

Sid give a weak smile to her.

Avni : you really did so well in today's competition so don't be sad yaar, and I am sorry maybe because of pairing with me you lose the rank today. (She said to cheer him up)

Sid : I know Avni, it happen because of me. So you didn't have to blame yourself, by the way thanks just because you pair up with me. Else maybe I won't able to even try here.

Avni : your welcome. And....

She is about to say something when she got a call from Aarohi, she call her to ask the result of today's competition.

Avni : Sid, I will talk to you later, this is an important call.

Sid : yeah sure, you carry on we will talk later.

Avni left with the phone call and siddharth thought that he should be happy that at least he get someone to talk like avni because of this contest.

Stay tuned.

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