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Avni : but I have a biggest challenge in front of me.

Sid : what?

Avni : aunty!! Yaar I got this thing now that aunty didn't liked me at all. And I can understand their concern.

Sid : yeah, my mom is not strict actually but Avni my family invested their all lives, savings, and future on my studies. (Said in a respectful manner towards his parents sacrifices)

Avni : I can understand, Sid. But how will I impress uncle aunty.

Sid : I have a way, but I don't know you can do that or not.

Avni : what, just tell me I will try to do it?

Sid : these days my parents are really looking for any way to register my name in "Excellence Coaching" 3 years membership program.

Avni : ok, so what is the problem in it?

Sid : recommendation.

Avni : what?

Sid : I mean, this membership program is too expensive, I don't know how but my father arrange money for that, but just because we are middle class family, we have no way to reach the higher authority for admission.

Avni knows that it is something she can do. But she is not sure that her parents will listen to her or not, so she didn't said anything for now.

Sid : so if you talk to your dad to recommend my name, my mom and dad both will be really happy.

Avni : if it is about you, then I will surely do whatever I can do Jaaaaan. (She said very lovingly placing hand on his cheek)

Sid : thanks.

Suddenly aunty came.

Avni get up immediately.

Avni is looking down because she troubled aunty a lot.

His mom : your dad is waiting for you, Avni.

Avni : okay, aunty.

His mom is about to leave.

Avni walks ahead to aunty.

Avni : aunty....

His mom : hmm. Don't expect me to behave like his dad with you. (In an upset tone)

Stay tuned.

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