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Sid : but why are you going to US. When there are so many great universities also available in our country.

Avni : I got selected in California University, it was my dream to study from there but now I don't want to go Sid, I can't live without you. (Said crying hugging him more tightly)

Sid : oh. If it was your dream then you should go.

Avni : no now there is no dream and reality of my life can be done without you Sid.

Sid : be practical Avni, if this made your life more good and give you better and successful life then you should definitely go.

Avni : but Sid, I can't live without you. (With sobbing continue)

Sid : so who is telling you to leave me, now days we have phones, we can chat, call, even see each other through video calls.

Avni : Sid, long distance doesn't works.

Sid : it do, only couple should run it properly.

Avni : Sid.....

Sid : I want you to go and follow your dream then when you come back we get married, promise.

Avni burst out crying, even Sid eyes filled with tears, but eventually they decide that Avni will go.

Sid : date?

Avni : tomorrow!!

Sid : what? Why in this hurry?

Avni : mom, dad is also going to drop me there, and dad is free this week. (Said sadly)

Sid : oh, okay relax it's okay. You should go happily and remember I will always keep loving you the most.

Avni : I will miss you siddharth.

Sid : I will miss you too avni.

His dad calls them.

They came out and after sometime they left for shopping.

Sid is upset from evening so his mother asked what happened, so he told his mother that Avni is going US.

He hugs his mother are cried a bit.

Stay tuned.

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