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His mom : now you should go, when you even told faisal to wait outside of school.

Sid : yes mom.

His mom : take care and study hard.

Sid left with his father, his father drop him outside of school.

And faisal and ayaan didn't have any idea that why he called him this early in the morning almost 45 minutes before than their normal time to reach.

Faisal and Ayaan : namaste uncle.

Jannat also joined the conversation.

She also greet his father.

His father : namaste namaste, I hope you all will prepare for test only. (Said seeing jannat, as he knows that jannat and faisal dating and his father didn't liked dating in this age)

Faisal didn't know but friends have this quality that they understand without any clue that how they have to cover up.

His father : so go inside and prepare for test.

Faisal : yes uncle we will study only for English test.

His father : English test, but Sid told us that it's a accounts test today.

Faisal : hey god! How can you forget about English test Sid.

Sid : I didn't forget actually I am prepared for that.

Faisal : yes yes you are master of English.

Jannat is also in same class she didn't understand what's this drama going on here but she remains silent because she understood that something else brewing here.

His father : okay okay whatever, study hard and I want full marks in all class tests Sid.

Sid : yes dad.

His father left.

Faisal takes a relieve breath.

Faisal : hey bro!! At least you should inform us that what we have to perform in front of uncle, it was so difficult to manage situation when you didn't even have idea what is exactly going on.

Sid : I am sorry yaar, I really didn't get a chance.

Stay tuned.

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