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Sid : don't you dare to say something like this again. (Angrily)

Avni : okay okay mister Nigam don't get offend, I won't say this again.

Sid : better for you.

His finger is still on her lips, so he playfully bit his finger. When he is busy staring at his girl.

Avni : wake up my dear we have to win the competition.

Sid : but there is one more problem? (Said with a nervous face).

Avni : now what?

Sid : where will we practice for this dance competition.

Avni : you tell me wherever you want I will come there, or if you want you can come to my residence, because I am going to tell about this competition to my mom.

Sid : about us? (Nervously)

Avni : not about us only about this competition.

Sid : uhm.... but it will be so awkward for me to come there, I mean I won't be able to practice then.

Avni : So? Any idea?

Sid : I will ask Faisal if he can arrange many private place. (He said that too innocently)

Avni's delhite dirty brain get active for a moment.

(Using "Delhite" Word is my personal opinion, author have no intention to hurt anyone's sentiments of Delhites, if anyone from Delhi in my readers)

Avni : we didn't need any private place to practice for a dance, and if anybody catch us then nobody gonna believe it that we were having dance practices only. (Completed the statement feeling little shy)

Sid : I don't get it what do you mean by that?

Avni pats on his cheek.

Avni : forget it you are a kid to understand all this. When you will be grown up you will able to understand. (Teasingly stated)

Sid : I am not a kid.

Avni : okay let's be serious now.

Sid : it's means, according to you we can't even meet at any private place.

Avni shakes head in NO.

Stay tuned.

As promised I gave triple update, please vote for all 3 chapters and after 30 votes on this chapter one more triple update will be uploaded.

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