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Aarohi : I am with you only abhi, but I can just advice you that don't mix up friendship and love story. Because it only hurts.

Abhishek : you just leave this on me.

Aarohi : okay then I trust you and I am with you.

Abhishek : thank you. (He hugs her)

This always make her feel like she want him more, but she can't do anything with this feeling. She know now this will always remains same.

Aarohi : if we want to win we have to take this competition seriously, because the way, Siddharth accepted the challenge I think he is also a good dancer.

Abhishek : don't worry because I have the best in my pair. (Overconfindently)

Aarohi : it is good Abhishek that you have a confidence on us, but we should practice regularly to win this competition.

Abhishek : okay as you say dear.

Aarohi and Abhishek starts practicing from today itself.


Ami and Sid reach their residences.

Avni inform her mother that she is going to participate in a dance competition, she did not told anything about the pair up to her mom.

When Sid is thinking how to tell his parents that he is participating in dance competition just before his boards.

Sid : mom, I want to tell you something. (Hesitated)

His mom : what happened my baby, do you want anything? (Asked lovingly)

Sid : mom, my school forward my name for a dance competition. (Sid handed over the pamphlet of dance competition to his mother)

His mom : dance competition?

Sid : yaa.

His mom : but you are not this good in dancing... Then? And wait this is couple dance competition.

Sid : uhm....

His mom : Sid, what happened?

Sid : actually mom, I am participating with Jannat, I mean my class teacher wants me to participate with Jannat.

His mom : oh, but it will affect your studies my son.

Stay tuned.

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Do his mother allow him to participate?

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