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Sonia aunty : I never expect this from you, Avni. (In an angry tone of voice)

Vibha aunty : sorry to say mam, but both of them are equally on fault, I won't someone's daughter only, my son made mistake too, and I take responsibility of that.

Sid is feeling so scared of losing her now, and from here he knows his relationship is finished.

Avni : I am sorry mam. (With a very low tone)

Vibha aunty : thank you so much mam for your precious time.

Vibha aunty get up and about to leave.

Vibha aunty : listen my child, try to understand I am concern about your two's future, whatever you both did was really wrong.

Sonia aunty get up from her seat.

Sonia aunty : I am agree with Mrs. Nigam, so if I get to know that you two met each other from now, then I will rusticate you both from this Institute.

Sid : no mam, I am sorry.

Avni : yes, mam, we are really sorry and it was my fault, I made that plan of kiss. (Said with her eyes down).

Vibha aunty : thank you so much mam.

His mom left with Sid.

His mom : now go and attend your lectures, then I want you back on home on time. Okay?

Sid nodded.

His mom : Sid, I am not telling you anything to your dad this time, but if you repeat anything like this ever in your life, I won't hide it from your dad.

Sid again nodded.

Meanwhile in Cabin,

Avni eyes are filled with tears.

Avni : mom... (With a sob).

Sonia aunty : I don't want to talk to you right now avni, we will talk everything at home, go and attend your classes. (Aunty is so upset with her today).

Avni : sorry mom. (With sobs).

Sonia aunty : go avni. (Little strictly)

She left crying.

Stay tuned.

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