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Abhishek laugh on them.

Abhishek : is this you are approach to win the challenge, Sid?

Sid : what are you talking, Faisal?

Faisal (whisper in his ear) : listen Sid, we should not fight with him, what will be answer aunty? If he beats you.

Abhishek : see avni, you are trying to stand beside this coward.

Sid : I am not coward.

Abhishek hold his collar.

Abhishek : so fight.

Avni came ahead, free Sid from his grip.

Avni : stay away from him, Abhi. When I am telling you that I love him why can't you understand.

Abhishek : why can't you understand he trapped you?

Avni : shut up. I will not listen even a single more word against, Sid.

Abhishek : avni, he can't even protect you. How can you choose him over me?

Avni : because I am not looking for a bodyguard, I want a boyfriend and he is perfectly as I wish.

Abhishek : perfect my foot. If you are this confidence about your choice then let him fight with me.

Avni : no way.

Sid : avni, let me handle.

Avni : you keep quite. Sid.

Abhishek : I am sorry, Avni... but today he won't go back on his feets.

Abhishek make her aside and catch his collar again.

Faisal and Ayaan tried to mediate in their fight, but Abhishek's friends catch them away from them.

Abhishek : this will be one on one fight, everyone stay away from us. Any last wish you duffer. (To Sid)

Sid is trying to make him free from Abhishek.

At the right time,

Ishita and aarohi reach the address. They came in running, Along with Avni, they separate abhi from Sid.

Avni : you fine?

Sid nods.

Avni : I told you not don't be part of all this.

Abhishek : shame on you, hiding behind my girl. (With an angry expression)

Aarohi : shut up, Abhi.

Stay tuned.

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