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Sid is so happy and nervous, it's such a mix emotions for sid, because he really can't believe it that Avni propose her.

Avni : hey!!

She place her hand on his cheek.

Sid place his hand on her hand which is on his cheek.

Sid : I can't explain you Avni, that what is going on in me. (With tears rolling out constantly from his eyes).

Avni : okay, but dont cry, I am feeling so bad seeing tears in your eyes.

Sid : these are happy tears. Let them flow I can't hold this much happiness in my heart. (Said in a loving tone)

Avni : awie, but still I can't see your tears. (She wipes his tears and cup his face) you know what, you are the most pure soul person I ever met.

Sid : I feel the same about you.

Avni : no way, I am not innocent at all. (Clearly admit it).

Sid : you are best as you are.

Avni : awie, I guess it's yes from your side.

Sid nods in yes with a smile on his face.

Avni : then I can hug you once I guess.

Sid gives her a side hug. Which is more in his comfort and he didn't wish for any physical pleasure from her, he want it to run emotional relationship and attachment.

Avni : you are really so innocent my dear boy. (She said pulling his cheeks)

Sid : I promise, Avni that I will do everything what makes you happy.

Avni : I know you will.

Her phone rangs.

She disconnected the call once, twice but when it rang for the third time Sid ask her to pick up the call.

Avni : ok, just wait here for a minute I will be back.

Sid : okay.

Avni takes few steps and open her phone it's a video call from Abhishek.

Stay tuned.

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