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Ayaan : what did you just said? (Asked in a CID interrogating tone).

Jannat : Aree you know na ayaan, he is an idiot. Forget it. Right now we are talking about Sid and his love story.

Jannat cover up anyhow.

Sid : are you serious, I mean I don't know anything if she ask me anything like this, what will I do then? (Feeling nervous).

Jannat : it's so simple, go and kiss her cheek.

Before Sid could say more a cab stopped there and as expected avni step down from the cab.

Jannat : oh God, damn!! She is avni?

Faisal nodded staring at her.

Jannat : hey Faisal, control yourself.

Faisal looked at jannat and smiled.

Jannat : better.

Sid went to avni.

Avni : good morning Sid.

Sid : good morning, come I will introduce you with my friends.

Jannat walks to them.

Jannat : I think, you two should go for now all these formalities can be done later, but if any teacher saw you here Sid then you will be gone.

Avni : she is right I guess.

Sid : true.

Avni : let's go then.

Sid gives the school bag to Faisal and now he have to manage this too.

Avni : let's go.

Sid : yeah.

Avni and Sid settle in the cab.

Sid : so where we are going?

Avni : you say, you know Agra, how can I suggest then?

Sid : uhm... I guess we should somewhere far from the reach of my parents, because if anyone knows me see me in school time then I will be gone.

Avni : awie, you looks cute too when you feel nervous. I love cute babies.

Sid smiled.

Avni told that they can go for a movie then. Because it will be a safe place as they can sit on one place and can enjoy the time.

Stay tuned.

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