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Aunty shuts the door on her face, thinking that she will leave herself after some time.

It's 2 P.M.

Avni sits on the staircase outside of the main door of his residence.

Her driver came to her and ask her to sit in the car.

1 hour pass away,

2 hour pass away,

3 hour pass away,

But she sat there like she is on protest, now even aunty is feeling nervous and worried.

After all, she is a 18 year kid for them.

Vibha aunty POV

She is really so stubborn, I thought she will leave in 10-15 minutes but it's been 3 hours she is sitting outside with this cold weather outside.

And anytime rain can be start.

I have to talk to her lovingly and send her to her home.

POV ends.

His mom opens the door.

Avni turns her head halfway a round.

His mom : come here!! (Calls her)

She immediately get up and went to aunty.

Avni : yes aunty.

His mom : see the weather is not good, so you should go back to your home now, your parents must be worried. (Said lovingly this time)

Avni : aunty, let me meet Sid for five minutes then I go.

His mom : why are you this stubborn, you know even Sid is worried for you, you should go back to your home.

Avni : please tell him once that I am fine, he should not to be worried.

His mom : avni listen, you won't get anything like this.

Avni : I didn't even want anything aunty, I just want your permission to talk to him once.

His mom : that you won't get at any cost.

Avni : so aunty, I will wait here only for permission.

She went back and sit on the stair case.

His mom went to Sid.

Stay tuned.

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