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But still it's not that good idea which makes him successful overnight.

Avni get up in night to drink some water.

She saw her mother working on her laptop, and she is taking out some print outs.

[Remember guys her mother is the owner of this Institute.]

Avni POV

I know what I am thinking is really wrong, but sorry mom I need to copy these question papers, my Sid need them right now.

I am really sorry.

POV ends.

Her mom placed all the question paper of scholarship exams in her locker and sonia aunty went to sleep.

Without keys she can't open the locker, so she waits till morning.

Next morning,

When her mother went to take a shower, avni went to her mother's room.

Being her daughter, she knows very well where are the keys.

She open the locker and take all the papers related to commerce subject.

Avni bring these papers to her room to take a copy of them.

But before she could come back with the papers and lock the locker back. Her mother came out from the bathroom.

When avni came back after 5 minutes, she saw her mother is so angry, her mother understood that someone came to her room without her permission.

Her mom is so angry right now.

Avni hide those paper first.

And enter in the room.

Her mom asking maid and servants.

A' mom : I am asking you all guys, who came to my room without my permission.

Maid : mam, I saw avni mam in your room five minutes ago.

That makes avni feels so nervous and sweating so badly.

A' mom : avni...

Maid nods.

Avni : mom, actually I took the locker keys without your permission I am so sorry. (Nervously as she is hiding paper with her).

Stay tuned.

Guess what will happen next?

What will she answer if she get caught here?

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