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Sid came behind her running. She is feeling to go back to her as her stomach is paining like hell.

Avni : Sid, I told you twice that stay away from me, why can't you understand. (Said angrily)

Sid : I just want your one minute.

Avni : Sid, move aside let me go. (Said getting more irritated).

Sid : give me a minute, then you can go.

Avni : Sid... (Little loudly) you can't understand what I am feeling so leave.

Sid moves ahead and hugs her.

It's completely unexpected to her. He slowly rubs her back to calm her down.

Sid : relax, I know I can't understand but I will try to understand. (Said in a very loving tone)

Those loving words actually made her mood swing in a good manner.

When, Sid is about to break a hug, Avni responds back in hug and hug him back.

Avni : I am so sorry, I should not shout on you. (Her eyes fill with tears)

Sid : I read it yesterday, that hugs work good in such kinda situation.

Sid break the hug

Sid : and one more thing.

Avni : what?

Sid open his bag and take out few chocolates.

Sid : I don't know you like chocolates or not, and even I know that you must be eat only imported chocolates and all, but I don't have enough money for them so I bring it for you.

Sid forward his hand to her to offer her those chocolates.

Cost of that emotions are way too expensive and rare.

She hugs him again, this time even more tightly, this time the emotions are real too, this is not because of time pass.

She really feels so good with this gesture today.

Avni take those chocolates from him.

Avni : thank you so much Sid, this really meant a lot to me. (Feeling really happy)

Stay tuned.

Is this lead a change in feelings for siddharth in her heart?

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