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But before going and ask for sorry from Aunty, she wants to meet Sid once.

But she don't know how.

Two days passed away,

Even now aunty is not letting Sid to go and meet Jannat and Faisal.

Avni left a message for Sid, but when Faisal went to deliver the message.

Aunty didn't even let him meet Sid.

Because aunty understand this now that they all know each other.

Avni is so stressed from all this.

Sid can't do anything as well in this.


For one long day, she didn't had anything, so her father bring her to his office to distract her mind.

But she came back home this evening with the plan that she will go and meet Sid.

Next morning,

She knows it is so risky as his mother didn't like her at all. But she takes a risk and with her car and driver she reach his home.

With a lot of nervousness, she knocks the door.


Sid opens the door. He got a huge shock and he feels so scared too because he knows if his mother saw her then it will be a problem for them.

Avni : hello Sid.

Sid : what are you doing here, Avni? If mom see you here then we both will be in bigger issue.

Avni : I know, but I wanna solve it, I wanna say sorry to aunty.

Sid : avni, mom won't listen to you my love, please go. (Feeling sad but he didn't have option)

His mom came out from kitchen.

His mom : who is on door, Sid?

He moves aside and aunty seen her.

Avni : Namaste aunty!! (With a nervous feeling but smiling face)

His mom : I can't believe it that how someone can be this shameless, why can't you understand girl. That you should stay away from my child.

Stay tuned.

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