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Sid : we are at my place so we should be scared okay? But today I realise that you are too stubborn to handle.

Avni cups his face.

Avni : you can't even imagine how crazy I am for you. (Her words are filled with love)

Sid : okay okay. By the way, did you had any clue or idea that my father knows you and he brings you in like this.

Avni : it was pure co incidence Sid, believe me I didn't planned anything it happened itself.

Sid : but I know mom must be thinking that we planned this.

Avni : Sid, tell me yaar, what should I do to impress aunty, I can't stay away from you.

Sid : I don't know, Avni. But I am happy that we got some time to talk. I am feeling much better now.

Avni : me too. (She hugs him again, looking towards the gate to check, he hugs her back)

Sid : but you should go to your home back safely.

Avni : yeah dad will come to receive me.

Sid : yaar, I am feeling so scared of your dad, what will your father do if he get to know about us, I don't want it affect my dad's job and my family condition.

Avni : my dad have an idea about us.

Sid : seriously?

Avni : hmm, I was crying from 15 days so of course they had an idea.

Sid : oh, I hope uncle will not come here in angry mood.

Avni : I don't think. My dad is cool. He will understand that it must be done by me.

Sid : I hope so, by the way my father always says that about your dad that he is so helping.

Avni : oh that's great for our future, our family's should like each other.

Sid : avni... (Said blushing)

Stay tuned.

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