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Avni hugs him immediately after kiss, it's for hide the blush on her face.

She can't hold her emotions, Sid wrap her in his arms with equal warmth.

Avni : I love you so much Sid, so so so much.

Sid : I love you too.

They were in embracement when someone disturb this beautiful moment informing them that there ten minutes are over.

They had some fast food together and later they are not feeling to go anywhere leaving each other.

But they bid bye to each other and both of them reach their residences.

Sid is so happy today.

And his mother noticed. Sid went to kitchen to his mom, he is close to his mom the most in this world because his mom understand him the best in the world.

His mom : my child seems so happy today!! (Said happily seeing him happy)

Sid : yes mom, I am really so happy today.

His mom : oh good my baby, but don't you want to share your happiness with your mother. (Ask with a smile)

Sid : actually mom, I got full marks in two test in school today.

His mom : ohk... Why do I feel that reason is something else? (With a bit teasing smile)

Sid : no mom. (He said hiding his blush)

His mom : okay okay you can tell me only when you feel you want to share.

Sid hugs his mother.

Sid : you know mom, you are the best mother in this whole world.

His mom : aww, and you are best son of this world. Okay now go and turn on the geyser for your dad.

Sid : okay mom.

Sid came out suppressing his blush. Because he don't want his father will notice that.

Sid turn on the geyser, have his dinner and then went to his room to talk to Avni.

Stay tuned.

Tution Wala Pyar 💞💕Where stories live. Discover now