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Avni : namaste aunty, hii Sid. (With a smile approach).

His mom (little rudely) : you informed about us to her, sid?

Sid : no mom.

Avni : aunty, I came with my family for prayer. We didn't know about each other's arrival.

His mom : I didn't asked you, okay?

Avni remains silent after this.

His mom : and Sid, I will talk to you at home!!

Sid : but mom!!

His mom : come with me, I don't want to spoil mood now.

Sid follow his mother.

Avni gave a smile to him. And thought she will say sorry to aunty once again after they came back.

When she came back to Abhishek and Aarohi.

When an uncle came to them offer them "prasaad".

Aarohi takes it a bit.

Abhishek too.

Avni take a glass of thandai offered to her, she didn't disrespect to prasad.

Uncle : it contains cannabis. (Bhaang) (inform them as a warning).

But Avni consume it in one of two gulp.

Abhishek : avni, what is wrong with you? Cannabis have addictive and mental instability affects.

Avni : it's okay.

She is waiting.

According to research consumption on cannabis is not injurious to health, but it Mulplies your feelings into 100 in affect.

But now avni is under the affect of that Bhaang.

After ten minutes,

When sid and aunty return, she went towards them and came in front of them to obstruct their path.

She is in her half senses and she actually can't control her anymore.

Avni : aunty, I want to talk to you? (In her half senses)

His mom : listen, I have no time to waste so move aside and let us go.

Avni : you have to listen to me. (Loudly).

Sid : avni, relax.

Abhishek and Aarohi come to control her.

Avni : what relax Sid? Why it's so difficult for everyone to understand that I love you.

Stay tuned.

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