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They chat all night tonight, but the whole night they spend crying.

Next morning at 6 AM, they left for International Airport.

His mother talks to his father and they bring siddharth to airport to see off Avni.

It is surprise for Avni she wants before she leave for America.

Avni didn't expect Sid to come to see off her.

When she saw him, she lost her sense that everyone is around them and she hugs him.

Sid is felt little awkward and shy to hug her back in front of his and her family.

But their families can also understand their feelings for now.

Because this is not easy thing to say bye to someone you love a lot.

But in this situation they can't be obstacles of each other's life.

Avni : siddharth, please be in touch and I will inform about time zone and everything tomorrow.

Sid : yeah.

Avni : please, keep in touch I am telling you I am gonna miss you a lot.

Sid : yeah yeah don't worry and take care of yourself there.

His mom : don't worry avni, I will remind him if he forget to call you... Okay? (Teasingly)

Avni blush a bit.

Now according to announcement they have to go for boarding.

Her mom : we should go avni.

Avni : hmm... Take care Sid.

Sid : you too.

Avni : love you. (She didn't hesitate to say this in front of everyone)

Sid just smile in return.

Avni walks away with the tears in her eyes feeling bad internally and she is not getting good vibes.

Sid stay there until Avni went to the checking area.

His dad : she is gone Sid, let's go home and cheer up now, she went for her great future so follow your future too.

Sid : yeah dad.

They came back home.

And tution wala pyar finished here.
And the long distance relationship phase of their relationship starts from here.

End of Season 1 of "Tuition Wala Pyar"

Hope you enjoyed it, for more updates about next season of this book, check next chapter.

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