A' mom : you should tell me na beta, you know I get angry on everyone without reason.

Avni : sorry mom.

A' mom : sorry everyone, I hope you understand my concern, there are so many important documents and money in my locker.

All the employees can understand.

Avni is thinking that what will she tell her mother in justification to take keys of their locker without their permission.

A' mom : what happen my angel?

Avni : nothing mom.

A' mom : okay. So why my angel seems upset.

Avni : mom, I am really sorry, I didn't want to take your locker keys.... But....

A' mom : aww (place hand lovingly on her cheek) I didn't know you took keys my dear, else I won't even ask. This is all yours, and you didn't need permission. (Said lovingly)

Her father call her mother and luckily she get chance to place those original papers in locker and lock the locker.

Avni takes a relieve breath.

At evening,

Sid is so worried about exams, he knows again his parents feel so disappointed if he didn't scores well.

Sid is sitting outside on the stairs of Institute.

Avni come from behind and hugs him from behind.

Sid hald turn and saw her, which make him smile.

Avni : again sitting with this puffy face, not fair Sid. (Said with a cute anger)

Sid : what can I do yaar?

Avni : you know your smile is so precious for me, so I arrange something for you.

Sid : what?

Avni : shhh...

Sid : but what happen? (In a low tone)

Avni handed over the papers to him and ask him to put it in bag directly.

Sid : what is this?

Avni : original question papers of tomorrow's exam.

Sid is hell shocked that how it is possible and how she arrange original papers so many questions are running in his mind.

Stay tuned.

Hello everyone

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I will select name which will be easy to pronounce and type.


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