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It had been what felt close to ten minutes since Lorn proposed to go on a walk around the town. Lorn had taken a parcel to a small shelf, placing it on it before it disappeared in a small flash of light. Apparently, she had a handful of documents for her work today as she had worked through the last few days with little rest to afford herself some personal time. While she was occupied with that, Hatsumi and I found ourselves talking on one of the couches'. I started asking about how they had been living here and there work some, wondering about what position they were exactly in to just take me in.

It turns out that in this world, Adventurers Guilds employed at least one team around the clock and compensated them separately from their standard quest rewards. The reasoning for this was so they would have a group of adventures on hand at all times with an already gauged level of abilities. These stay-in teams made it easier to deal with emergency requests or sudden booms in the monster population. Rather than relying on whatever adventurers that found themselves through the area or off from requests, these "Stay in teams" would be on constant call and would move at the direct behest of the guild master and would reap the already given reward for the request on top of their own pay.

When I asked about the team's name Hatsumi said it was because they were known for getting sent out sometimes without a set time, people would think them dead and gone. So on a few occasions, they had returned when people had already thought them so, to the point a funeral was readied. Thankfully this behavior didn't last for long, but the name stuck. That and Callum thought it was cool.

They were out on a smaller subjugation request when we had crossed paths. Arguing over whether they needed to bother carrying the whole heads of their kills back for proof or just the jaws. After coming across me and needing to cut weight, they opted just to bring the lower jaws, hoping they would be sufficient proof. Having someone named Stanis do the work while they walked. Someone named Chessa carried me, and Callum carried my sword. Hatsumi carried the heads, handing them to Stanis one by one, being handed back the jaws to carry in turn.

I truly did come across them at just the right moment. If I had been a little later, I might have already been dead, or they would have already passed.

"So.....what do I do really? I....honestly feel really lost. Am I just....living with you all now?"

I found myself asking as I idly swung my feet back and forth against the couch's side. It was a welcome difference. Usually, I'd be bouncing my legs, but this felt more.....right? It felt it fit my appearance.....that and my feet didn't reach the ground anyway. I didn't expect an earnest answer to actually come, even if that had been par for how they were treating me so far.

"Hmm, well"

Hatsumi put her index finger to her lower lip and looked to the ceiling, her ears at attention and tail swaying gently to the side.

"Mmmmmm, if I were to put it simply. I'm your guardian now. So I'd be teaching you how to be self-sustaining and about being an adventurer unless you want to do something else?"

Wait, this is a signal. I'm being given a golden ticket to get taught by a professional adventurer too, Don't pass this up! Or do I want to be eaten by a lizard the moment I step foot outside?!

Hatsumi apparently thought I was hesitant because she started waving off the suggestion herself.

"Naaaah, who am I kidding. You probably want to meet a good boy and get set from there, huh? All safe and cozy."

Are you mocking me?! No way in hell would I be some stay-at-home wife! I- wait, IM A GUY, NEVER.

Flustered from her mockery, I found myself forcing an answer, my face flushed from embarrassment.

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