V2 C94 A priests countenance

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It'd been some time since everyone began filing out of the main room. Between momentarily shared glances with Aethelwulf, and my glances to the shelves of scrolls and books I'd found within the hall's secondary rooms it was oddly nerve-wracking.

What is it he's staring at?

I asked myself. It was difficult to discern until the room had cleared more, as Aethelwulf refused to move and I wasn't fond of meeting the head of a temple on my lonesome with an audience. Brother Kane came to me twice, asking if there was anything I needed yet I still felt hesitant.

Solah... Solah... Va-ren... nothing still.

I searched as I could, trying to find any text I was able between the plethora of personal journals or simplified religious texts. In a sense of words I'd used before-

"It's just a clusterfuck."

I let out a frustrated groan, just barely audible to myself or anyone within a few feet.

"Though a warrior you may be, that language is unbecoming for such an age. Possibly refrain until your sixteenth, aye?"

"Gah, fuck! Who- ah, my apologies."

I was startled by the sudden voice of Brother Kane, checking up on me once more.

"Apologies just the same, though now you are plenty awake to see Brother Aethelwulf. I'd asked to fetch you, however, he stated you may prefer a private meeting?"

I was stuck for a moment unable to respond, though I did receive a proper view of Brother Kane's face. A large, dark-skinned human, his complexion hinting at what would pass for a man of Middle Eastern descent. His frame was quite large, though similar in height to Aethelwulf from a distance. Even so, he stood a full head and shoulders taller than myself.

Speaking with him was that easy?

"I- ah."

"Should you wish to wait for your Mother? It's understandable if you'd wish someone familiar present-"

"No, I can meet him."

I cut off Brother Kane,

"Ah, good. He sensed you may have had some confusion about not receiving a direct blessing. Usually, the pendants passed down are imbued with a type of ward."

I looked down at the pendant on my chest and back up.

"Ah, not the one you've received, as special a place it may hold."

Brother Kane's eyes drifted down to the one thing I've held tightly in my grip since entering the temple.

"The sword."

I held up Wyrmstooth as if to look it over myself.


The large-framed human nodded.

"Aye, he stated it had a particular quality he'd noticed. He wished to speak with you on the subject, as aware or not you may be."

I looked to Wyrmstooth, recalling the cursed night that Kiyomi's memories were virtually spliced into mine, unable to distinguish them as anything but my own true memory.

"I know a degree or so, he is free now? Though-"

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts to my original purpose here.

"Scratch that, I wanted to know more about Solah and her tie with Va-ren. I'm sorry, that was my initial reasoning for coming..."

A tinge of guilt bit into my mind as I finished speaking.

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