C16 The first real steps

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Hatsumi was stirring from her sleep weakly, the whimpering and crying next to her being the cause for her now sleepless state. She was sure she'd gotten sufficient sleep, as she felt rested; however, it was less than she had hoped for given the prior day's results.

Another night terror?

She questioned silently as she looked over Kiyomi, who'd been hugging her tail. Her little girl had been crying for some time, from what it seemed. The pillow her head was rested on was darkened from moisture. Thankfully she'd yet to get snot on Hatsumi's tail. Removing her tail from Kiyomi's clutches, she moved closer to Kiyomi and shifted her into a careful embrace. Kiyomi eventually settled in her embrace; however, the occasional whimper still made its way through.

She's not mumbling anything this time. I wonder if this one could be normal?

Hatsumi wondered before being cut short by a murmur that she wouldn't have heard if not for her being beast-kin.


She looked back down to Kiyomi's face, her face shifting in concern momentarily.

Is she remembering?

Hatsumi did not get any further hints, though, as Kiyomi's gradual whimpers died and were replaced by the sound of her breathing.

She will need to know; eventually, I don't think I could bring myself to tell her yet. But...I shall wait for the right time when I know she's strong enough.

Hatsumi thought back to the subject of the Diary that was now hidden within Lorn's study. Hatsumi was thankful Lorn had decided on storing it away rather than destroying it. Its contents would be needed, eventually. But she begrudgingly agreed that Kiyomi should not be privy to its content for the time being.

Thinking to knowledge, they were to start her lesson plan's at the soonest convenience. Something Lorn had discussed with her while Kiyomi was being dressed by Claire the day prior. They were going to start teaching Kiyomi from this morning onward. Only breaking one day a week, they would be rotating between each other. Hatsumi would lead Kiyomi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, whilst Lorn would do so on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This would give Kiyomi ample time to rest as the lessons Hatsumi would be putting her through would be quite physical. Lorn would take the lead with more worldly education. Teaching her to read, write, basic math, and lastly, the geography and vague run of politics in the world. The only term of learned education Hatsumi had opted to take charge of was her own subject, Ecology and magic.

Today is day one, the first of many.

Hatsumi thought to herself, slowly laying the now calmed girl's head onto the pillow that was now dried and brushing the hair from her face.

Looking back to the book she had placed on the nightstand before sleeping, carefully, she lifted the covers from herself, swinging her legs free and standing herself up. She walked over to the book, picking it back up and looking over its spine once more. "Plant's and herbs of the frontier" was the title of it, this had been Hatsumi's first basic manual, and she was about to pass it on to Kiyomi by the end of the day.

"Well, while we're up, let's go talk to Lorn."

Hatsumi whispered to herself before quietly getting dressed and leaving Kiyomi to speak with Lorn.


Mnnn? This... dream. Where...am I?

My thoughts were foggy. The words someone was yelling, were rousing me. Suddenly, my sight faded in.

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