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"Kiyomi, on the count of three, pull."

Lorn whispered into my ear.

Alright, pull... just pull.

I was pep-talking myself as I stood on the charred back of the Bulette, with my hands freshly wrapped around the hilt of my sword. Lorn currently loomed just over me as well, shielding any view of me from onlookers as each of the others kept anyone they could distracted. From what Gregor and Cressida described, the sword was immovable to them. No one had enough strength to budge it. Apparently, my strength was also something to be kept a secret; therefore, Lorn shadowed me.

"Okay, three-two-one- hn!"

As I pulled, there was a strange grinding noise. The sword very nearly became lodged once or twice, but the perception was more like a small hook against my own strength; the only hint at how wedged it truly was being the fact that I pushed down on the plates and flesh that Lorn and I stood on.

Come to think of it; I DID split its spinal column... maybe it's caught in a vertebra?

A faint popping noise emitted from within the Bulette's back before the sword began sliding out freely. Pulling the blade out, a small trail of what looked like mana followed the blade's edge before dissipating.

What the fuck?

The sword itself maintained a bare amber glow for just a split second. One would be forgiven for just thinking they saw a reflection of the sun's rays, yet for that small moment, I could swear that the sword itself was lit with heat.

What in God's name-

Looking back down at the others, they were all still looking away and keeping anyone around us distracted. Lorn, however, when I looked over my shoulder, was clenching her teeth as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Miss Lorn?"

Lorn blinked for a moment, whispering something under her breath before looking back to me.

"Kiyomi, did you see anything with that?"

Lorn asked in a fairly calm tone, betraying her expression from a moment before. I averted my eyes, nodding slowly.

"I take it you have quite a story to recount?"

Lorn asked, grabbing behind my knees as she lifted me from the Bulette's back. Now in a princess carry, Lorn simply stepped back and dropped our weight over the edge of the Bulettes side and onto the ground. With a thud signaling our landing, I nodded slowly.

"Do your best to remember everything."

With that, I was placed back on my feet and sent back with Cressida. That left me where I was now, currently sitting in Lorn's office with Maria, who was happily sipping tea whilst looking after me.

What exactly was today?

The gears in my head started to turn whilst I peered at my reflection in the cup I held in my hands.

In short... we were targeted by a supposed God-

Most of the other things that happened today were easy enough to comprehend. The Bulette existing, the magic, the explosion. All of those things I'd experienced in some dosage up until this point. However, interaction with the Gods was not one of them outside of knowing people prayed, that they inspired certain practices, or seeing churches scattered here and there. The entire setup behind today's events was something harder to take in, however.

Orion was the one who sent the Bulette... And Solah helped us?

Looking back at my skills

Cleave Lvl 1 When swinging any equipped weapon, be it natural/man-made, the user exerts a force equal to or greater than the required amount to cleanly cut through the target, provided the target is composed of living cellular tissue. - System overridden, slot granted - Use with care! Solah Disguise Lvl 5 Lvl-5 Grants the ability to change certain physical aspects, hide or mislabel statuses and information. Ability to conceal information dependant on level, important information prioritized. Warning: Can be countered with analysis, inspection, or Disguise at twice the user's base skill level. Evasion Lvl 1 +1 to all stats when a user is evading detection by pursuing parties. Note: Skill is ineffective if within direct earshot or sight of pursuers. Endurance Lvl 1 User not as easily exerted over time. Mana pool Lvl 1 User's mana pool expands, granting a deeper reserve. Mp increases to 12oo.

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