C28 An ocean that was drying up

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"So you lifted the wagon off of Vaughn's father?" 

Beryl asked, her eyes looking me over as if she was attempting to assess me whether this was just a ruse or not. 

"I mean, most of the people here would probably point to me."

I said, shrugging. 

"You-you seriously were the one that lifted that wagon?"

Beryl continued, slowly dropping her assessing gaze. 

"Yes, I lifted the wagon."

I was pinching the bridge of my nose, slightly frustrated. 

"My apologies, please understand; it's fairly difficult to believe that you were the one who helped. Considering your size, and you look nearly our age."

Beryl said, lowering her head slightly for a moment before looking back at Vaughn. 

"Your Father, where is he now?"

"Just around the corner, Kiyomi's Ma is a Mage. She dragged Pa to the shade just a moment ago, still healing'em."

Vaughn and I both looked to the corner, Mother's tail still visible.

"His legs looked banged up pretty bad, but it shouldn't take much longer. We're just making sure no one really disturbs them."

Vaughn continued explaining. 

"Seriously, Kiyomi, you two were here at the perfect time. When you first posted up against the wagon, I didn't think you'd actually be able to do anything. I'd be lying if I said I was confident in you at the time."

Well, uh, thanks? I think?

I responded with a nod before bringing my attention to Beryl. 

"You said your mother was headed over here?"

I asked, wondering the exact relation between these two. 

"Ah, I feel stupid for this. Apologies, again, I didn't really greet you."

Beryl faced me and attempted to mimic a curtsy, her long body coiling and giving herself a proper base to balance from. 

"Beryl Halkias, Daughter of Cressida and Sophia Halkias. My mothers' were responsible for making sure the caravan arrived here as safely as possible."

Mothers? Scratch that, don't question it. 

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