C45 Paper plans and building blocks 4

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It's been three days since Mother and the rest of her team were sent out on their current hunt. While I understood before that they'd routinely been out past their initial time estimates, it did nothing to calm me. It's either because of this or the back end of my period that I've been a nauseated wreck since this morning.

The last time I could actively recall being anxious to know a person's whereabouts, it nearly drove me to my grave. That time was when the Army gave me a notice of 'MIA' for my Stepfather, mother, and sister. Eventually, I was just forced to think them dead.

"Just parry already!"

The crack of wood resounded, occasionally breaking up the sound of ragged panting and yelling through the early afternoon.

"I'm trying, okay?!"

Lorn sent us out to play about on our own once more but insisted that Vaughn and I practice with each other to maintain our form.

"If you'd just stay still!"

Vaughn sidestepped one of my swings, giving ground with each dodge and struggling to maintain the fight without circling.

"Besides, aren't you swinging a bit hard?!"

Rolling to the side, Vaughn managed to avoid my latest swing that came from over the shoulder. The result was the wooden shaft of the training sword digging into the soil with a thud.

"And let you expect something else from a monster? I'm throwing-"

Bringing the sword around in an upward swing, I managed to catch Vaughn through his guard and swiped the wooden blade into his armpit.

"Ah- fuckin-"

Vaughn's sudden complaint was cut off by my shoulder planting into his chest as I lurched forward on my swing's recovery. Falling to the ground and releasing his sword, Vaughn brought his opposite arm in to cradle the shoulder that was hit.

"What gives?"

Vaughn looked up as if I'd betrayed him.

"Firstly, language... try not to emulate me, okay?"

I had to break eye contact thinking of it, considering it was flattering in a way. Vaughn was emulating me in some ways, and I didn't think that would be best for him. Particularly my penchant for swearing when I was stressed and given the opportunity at once. He could do that when he was older; right now was a bit early for his own good.

"Secondly, what I meant to say. Most monsters we will end up fighting, you can't measure your strength against. That works for maintaining the fight with another humanoid usually, but not most other things."

Reaching out my free hand, I offered help to pick Vaughn up. Begrudgingly accepting the help, Vaughn pulled himself up and grabbed his sword once more.

"You're starting to sound like Callum... If anything, yeah, you're right about using your strength. I just didn't know I'd be fighting a troll."

Vaughn smirked, shrugging as he spoke.

That's because I was an NCO Vaughn, I've trained soldiers before- You asshole! Did you REALLY just compare me to an Troll?!

"Really? Gonna compare me to a monster?!... "

Vaughn responded by giving an obviously mocking nod, clarifying that he was teasing. Rotating his shoulder before fixing his position, Vaughn smiled as he approached, appearing to hold in a chuckle. With the intent to continue clear, I brought my training sword back and to the side to give a good lower guard.

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