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It was now late afternoon, the day following our fight with the Bulette, and Mother's return. Beryl was moved into the Guild earlier in the morning after a group of adventurers showed up with a cart filled with blankets. They ended up declining payment, referring to Beryl's age as their reason, choosing to do so out of favor. After the adventurers left, Vaughn showed up shortly after, and we both chose to sit with Beryl and Sophia. Mother allowed me to stay in the guild with them all while she handled secondary business throughout town, saying both of her friends being there when she awoke would help her.

"Mmm, hello?"

Beryl's voice protruded weakly into the relatively quiet interior room of the guild.


"You're awake! It's us - "

Vaughn and I both perked up, the two of us growing impatient from waiting and anxious of when Beryl would finally wake.

"Vaughn? Kiyomi? Where am I?"

Beryl's eyes cracked open, revealing her yellow iris. With her head shifting around, she looked to Vaughn, then myself, and sighed once more.

"I had this weird dream... we fought a monster... I thought you two were hurt... Mama Sophia and Cressida were there..."

Vaughn visibly clenched his jaw, holding back a rather crooked and awkward smile as Beryl continued.

"And there was something about the Goddess?... Where am I again?"

Beryl ceased her rambling, slowly raising her head forward.

"Oh, careful, careful!"

Vaughn and I both struggled to slow Beryl without fumbling over each other.

"You've been asleep since yesterday, we're in the Guild right now."

Vaughn exclaimed, moving to a table in the corner.

"That-ah- wasn't a dream."

The rest of the day passed relatively quickly after explaining to Beryl about everything being real, including her new skill. Vaughn eventually had to part ways with us whilst he went back to helping his father. In the meantime, I began my personal mission to entertain Beryl while she recovered.

Step one to 'operation: Cheery snake' is underway.

I thought confidently as I stood just outside the door to Beryl's room, now holding onto the chicken we'd taken in.

"Ready, Nugget?"

I jokingly asked the hen in my arms, earning nothing in response other than a craning neck and a tilting head.

Okay, now that I think about it, it's my first time with Beryl alone... here's hoping I can keep her occupied. Step one, hold chicken through the door.

Breathing in, I held Nugget through the doorway.


Beryl asked aloud, confusion evident in her voice.


I poked my head through the door just behind Nugget, the biggest smile I could manage on my face.

"Welcome back, Kiyomi."

"Hmm-hmmm-hm hmmm."

Beryl hummed softly as she braided parts of my hair, obviously content with the activity.

Well, I did say I'd spend girl time with her eventually.

Beryl proposed we'd burn our time by starting out small. By showing me little things she thought would help me as a girl particularly. I'd sheepishly asked for us to start with her teaching me how to braid my hair as I sat in her coils. That also led me to what I was currently struggling with, weakly fumbling my fingers around a lock of dull-teal hair.

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