C73 Winter's story 3

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"Okay Kiyomi, come here."

Chessa turned me back around slowly. Unexpectedly, she took my hand in her own and pulled me close.

Wait, what is this situation?

"No better time to learn than now. I reckon Hatsumi hasn't taught you how to shoot a bow, aye?"

Chessa asked, bringing her bow into my hand she'd taken.

"No, I've... never shot a bow."

Plenty of guns, never a bow.

"We'll go slowly then, aye?"

Chessa wrapped our hands around the grip of the bow, shifting by hand around the grip until both our fingers made a pseudo sight to aim from.

"Now, whatever you do, don't use that violent impact skill. I imagine either the bow would shatter or nothing would be left of our quarry. We need only do this with the strength of our pull."


Chessa nodded at my confirmation, carefully taking my other hand in hers. Adjusting her stance behind me as she grabbed an arrow from her quiver, Chessa brought our opposite hands to the string of the bow.

"Watch close as he grazes. Notice how he's relaxed? The sound of the wind is obscuring our speech just enough. Now, gently pull the drawstring back with me."

Chessa gently guided my hand backward, pulling against the string. The bow bent as the string was pulled but the tension was nearly non-existent for me.

"Good, with your strength you can handle a 30 kilo draw like it's a toy. Glad I chose to guide you or you would've snapped the thing. Now, wait for the right moment..."

The wind continued to blow as the Elk walked around slowly through the clearing, his cow slowly leaving the area as she herself rubbed her snout through the snow for some remnant of grass. While I continued to watch the Bull, Chessa loosed her grip on my hand around the bow and began to tilt my hand holding the bow slightly.

"You want to provide a good point to shoot from, so having a point of aim off of your knuckle is the easiest way to remember until you get enough experience."

With my hand in place, Chessa clasped her hand back around mine.

"Now, we simply wait for him to give us his side so we can hit his heart."

Nearly a minute passed as we before our Bull Elk turned his body to the side, looking out to the distance.

"Just to the left of his shoulder..."

Chessa silently adjusted our aim.

"And... now!"

Together, we released the drawstring. As it did, the bow reverberated as its body took back its original shape and propelled the arrow forward. The Bull Elk stood out in the open, unmoving against the fate that was about to befall it. The arrow soared through the air so quickly, that it was honestly a surprise when it found its mark on the side of the Elk. A sudden, violent spurt of blood shot out onto the snow as the arrow impacted. The Elk shuddered and stumbled before taking flight, attempting to outrun the looming death that was already grasping it. The elk made it roughly eighty meters before slowly dropping to its legs. It was not a moment after that the Elk slowly dropped its head, its massive antlers still holding it at an angle even as they dug into the snow.

"Good shot Kiyomi!"

Chessa released my right hand and placed it on my head between my horns, ruffling my hair as she did.

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