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"Wow, they really do work fast."

I was currently gawking at the progress that the caravan of refugees had already made as I walked alongside Lorn. Within a matter of a single week, they already managed to lay down the foundation work for nearly a dozen longhouses. The level of progress they'd made, Lorn claimed, was thanks in part to the Lord lending the cities guard as security and additional labor. The reason for the sudden hurry was thanks to the biannual winter that was fast approaching; while we didn't feel its bite just yet, it was fast approaching.

"In large part, it's thanks to Vaughn's father. He's already an astounding engineer; he makes just as good a foreman. They wouldn't have made this much progress without him."

"Do you think they'll be done by snowfall?"

I asked, looking up to Lorn. Shrugging in response, Lorn continuing looking around as we walked and taking in the state of things.

"Possibly. They won't be completely be finished, but enough will be done that no one may have to spend their winter out of shelter."

Lorn said this as we were entering what looked like a tent city. Just outside of the already farmland outskirts, most of the refugees that couldn't afford board at an inn were here, within their wagons or tents made of tarp and wood.

It doesn't matter the world or setting. This many people getting uprooted... It always looks the same. I hope those people found home's just as these people will.

I thought, remembering a small part of the events on Earth.

"It's good to see everyone doing well and getting settled."

"That it is... that it is, Kiyomi."

"Ah, hey, Miss Lorn. I almost forgot, but were we gonna talk about the class stuff later?"

"In due time, Kiyomi, you've got time to kill. We can discuss it as you and your friends take on your first hunt. Hatsumi said that would be by year's end, right?"

Lorn asked, looking down at me as we continued to walk.

"She did say that, but going by the talk, we'll be hunting in the dead of winter, won't we?"

Lorn shrugged.

"Aye, but with the trade-off, you also get peace of mind that most of the insect and reptilian monsters will all be sluggish or burrowed away. Spider-tortoise in particular."


Lorn's words managed to pry a shiver from me with the mention of the cursed creature.

"I hope Mama doesn't make us hunt one... "

"Kiyomi, you won't have a choice in what you hunt down the line... well, you will, but choosing not to take certain hunts can result in lack of work."

Lorn said as she looked back down once more, placing a hand on my shoulder as she did so.

"Enough of the speculation though, we're almost here."

Lorn pointed back to where Vaughn's wagon should have been, now replaced by a single-room house built to the side of their wagon.

"They definitely made progress. I don't remember it being this built the other day."

"Well, I shouldn't have expected less. Gregor will be working almost all day, every day. Considering he has a plethora of floorplans and other schematics, he and Vaughn definitely need the shelter."

"He's that much of a work-a-holic?"

Looking back, I could remember Gregor actually working from bed the day I lifted the cart off of him. He truly must have been married to his work.

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