C27 A drop in an ocean

99 4 0

Okay, let's see what we have here- OH GOD.

As soon as I prompted the system to show me the skill tree, I was hit by another flood of information. Apparently, saying 'open skill tree' in my head just opened EVERY single tree, and I was stuck closing all of them to see where I was until I saw what I was looking for.

Skills' updated: Disguise (Lvl 5), Dispel granted. Skill slots granted: 2, Skill points granted: 3

Disguise Lvl-5 Grants the ability to change certain physical aspects, hide or mislabel statuses and information. Ability to conceal information dependant on level, important information prioritized. Warning: Can be countered with analysis, inspection, or Disguise at twice the user's base skill level.

Evasion Lvl-1 +1 to all stats when a user is evading detection by pursuing parties. Note: Skill is ineffective if within direct earshot or seeing distance of pursuers.

New! Slot Empty N/a  

New! Slot Empty N/a  

What was displayed was a box containing four rows that appeared over the main skill tree display. Determining from its contents, it must have been my current skill slots in use or available, considering the 'slots granted' thing.

I know I've had 'Disguise' for some time now. Countered, huh. I guess that may have been how Lorn saw through me some. She's pretty old; she has to have acquired quite a few skills as is. I had 'evasion'?

Dismissing the initial screen, I now had an unobstructed view of the current skill tree.

Available skills!

Endurance 1 pt User not as easily exerted over time.

Deft hands 1 pt User gains exceptional manual dexterity.

Quickdraw 1 pt User finds themselves able to draw their weapon without issue in most situations.

Mana pool 2 pts User's mana pool expands, granting a deeper reserve. Mp increases to 12oo.

Marathon 1 pt User's base speed increases slightly, sprinting speed increases slightly.

Cleave 2 pts With great exertion, the user can cleave targets with greater force than normal.

These seem kinda...they seem like they're based on stuff I've done or been involved in. I don't see anything really fantastical here. Hmmm

I found myself thinking about my options. Everything I had listed was just general improvements from what I could understand. I was expecting them all to be action-based, but looking at it most of them are passive.

They all have some level of usefulness, but which would I really find myself using? I have three points, I could get three of the one-pointers or one two-pointer and a one-pointer.

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