C66 Opening breeze, fading flowers 13

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A fuckin coward to the end! I can kill a Bulette, but I'm still scared shitless!

My pace fell to a jog as I continued pushing myself forth. Endurance had just kicked in, thankfully keeping me from stopping and puking my brains out from the exertion. The rocky terrain turned back to grass and dirt as I was making my way back to the pass. Looking to the corner of my vision, I could see vague information about Graf, Adrian, and Alick. Graf sent me a party invite soon after I'd run off, possibly to keep my worry at ease. It helped, but not much thanks to the occasional drain on their health signaling one of them was hurt.

Don't think about it, they're a team versus one big ass Wolverine. They have magic, they'll be fine.

"You heard that too, right?"

Beryl looked to Vaughn with worry after the roar of a monster could be heard just over the hill Kiyomi and the adventurers disappeared behind.


Shortly after, some yelling could be heard as well as the onset of what must have been a fight. With worry in their hearts, the two began moving from the woodline just as Kiyomi could be seen cresting the hill in a panic.

"Holy cow she's fast when she wants to be!"

Before the two could even intercept Kiyomi, she'd already bound between rocks until her feet began hitting the dirt as she continued running.

What even is it that's got her spooked?!

Beryl thought, glancing back to the hillside. The only hint being the yelling of the adventures, a roar, and a stray projectile of fire flying into the mountains.

"Beryl, concentrate! We need to link up with Kiyomi!"

Vaughn grabbed Beryl's wrist, reminding her of their next move. Kiyomi was making ground fast, and it wouldn't do either of the two any good to try and find her later. They needed to meet up with their friend now, the time to follow was over given she'd be by herself.

"Kiyomi! Wait!"

Vaughn tried yelling as the two ran as fast as they could, barely able to keep up with the terrain. Beryl was especially worse for wear given the length of her body was forcing itself along the uneven ground at a pace she'd easily hurt herself at.

"She's not gonna make it easier for us. I doubt she can hear anything over her breathing!"

Beryl managed to squeeze the words out as she matched Vaughns's pace.

"No but the grounds clearing and she just started slowing down! Ugh, this bag isn't helping!

Vaughn dumped the bag he'd had slung over his shoulder, a cluttered thump could be heard as it dropped. Now only weighed down by his sword and buckler shield, he was able to at least hold his pace. Beryl soon did the same, her own bag bouncing off of her tail beforehand. The two gave chase to Kiyomj for nearly ten minutes before she began slowing to a jog and began spitting something out of her mouth. With the opportunity at hand, Beryl called out between labored panting.

"Kiyomi! Wait! Hold up for a second!"

Kiyomi stood up, looking around with a surprised expression before bringing her gaze to Beryl and Vaugh.

That's right! We're here!

Beryl thought triumphantly. At first, she expected a face of happiness to follow, but instead, Kiyomi's expression morphed into concern, then fear as she looked down at her hands. Quickly shoving whatever she'd had into a pouch along her waist, she took her sword in hand by its sheath and jogged towards us.

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