C43 Paper plans and building blocks 2

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"Yep, just as it was last time. Here, come look!"

Vaughn beckoned me over as he held some brush to the side, revealing the view that was hidden by the brush. What greeted us was a rather old, run-down church and the rubble of what looked like a few cabins strewn about. We saw inclines on all sides as we looked back around it, making this spot almost completely recessed into the ground. Just to our left, to the side of the church, there was a pond that stretched maybe a hundred meters the other way. Guessing the size of this depression, it was roughly a football field and-a-half in size. It was unbelievable that something like this had gone unseen for so long or that mother never mentioned it.

"How the heck did this get here? I could swear I never saw it before."

I crossed my arms as I thought, stepping back for a moment to do so.

"On all sides, it just looks like the brush opens up some. you can't tell it's a hole until you're up against it. I found it on accident when I nearly walked straight in along the other side where the brush is kind of thick."

Vaughn pointed to a thicket just on the other side of the depression.

"Around there."

"Christ, Vaughn, you couldn't be more careful?"

The fact that he almost went headlong over the still traversable ledge actually scared me some. That he quite possibly could have disappeared a day or two ago was not a fun thought.

"You have to be a bit more careful around this place. Seriously Vaughn!"

"Jeeeez, it's fine. I'm alive, aren't I? C'mon, I wanted you to see inside!"

Vaughn pushed through the brush just in front of us and started shuffling down the wall of the depression, almost at a jog. He only stopped just as he reached the bottom and jogged to a halt on the lush grass at the bottom.

Jesus! Is this why the mortality rate is so high?

"Hey! Come on! I'm already down here; you gonna keep me waiting?"

Vaughn was now waving back up at me.

Haaahhh... fuck it, live a little. Some exploration won't hurt me.

Sighing to myself, I grabbed the brush by its base and uprooted it, taking advantage of my strength to clear up a good path in and out.

"Let me do something real quick!"

I yelled down to Vaughn as I tossed the brush to the side.

After roughly a minute's worth of work, I'd felled a pair of trees and placed them along the 'entrance' to our new 'hideout.' Doing all this gave a sense of nastolgia by itself. It reminded me of my younger years as a child and teenager when I'd been with my friends. We would go into the woods and build forts out of dead plants and trees when we weren't playing games or watching movies. It was something I never expected to relive.

Maybe Vaughn would want to build a fort with me?... It could add some variance to what we do... Yeah, I'll ask him if he wants to when we're done here.

Smiling to myself in satisfaction, my thoughts were interrupted.

"Are you done?!"

Oh, crap, sorry, Vaughn.

"Sorry, I was caught up with my thoughts!"

I ended up skidding down the hillside myself; thanks to my tail, my balance felt too off to run down the hill as Vaughn did. It was just as fast, and I even stopped right at the bottom, but I had quite a bit of dust on my trousers now.

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