C88 Winters Crescendo 7

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Well, here we have it, the end of book 1, the story is twenty chapters from being caught up with other posting site, and forty from my current stored writing for patreon with 10 chapter backlog in case I have to take a break. I hope you all enjoyed so far, sincerely. And, for those sticking with the story till this point, thank you. You have no idea what it means to me. A story that I've been writing for three years, a story that survived my divorce, that survived the post seperation depression from the army, and the thing I look forward to doing everyday. If you're still reading by this point, thank you.

"Okay, see you two at the guild!"

We did it! Fuck I'm beat though...

I turned around for a moment, moving closer to inspect the Wyvern's corpse. The smell of burnt flesh was overwhelming the closer I got.


Up close, I could see the burns that littered the bone and torn muscle, reminding me of my own that was just freshly healed. I looked at my sleeve, nearly burned to a crisp with bits of my own melded into it.

Stinks... It's gonna follow me until I get cleaned up and changed.

Alert: System shutdown imminent! Mana reserves depleted! Estimated time until hibernation - twenty minutes and fourteen seconds. Estimated time for recovery - thirty-five minutes and 30 seconds.

Timer: 20:14... 20:13... 20:12...

Yeah, yeah. Count down from the best years of my life why don't you? What was I in then, High school? Shit, I should find one of the adults to take me back to the guild... Or those two?

By the time I'd turned around, Beryl and Vaughn both were rushing to the gate beneath the balcony. Beryl rushed to her mother, Sophia. Meanwhile, Vaughn was already speaking with his father. The tone seemed muted as they spoke at a level that only the two could hear.

Already down to congratulate their kids.

A strange part of me ached for that moment once more. I was never one to be jealous but surprisingly, I did feel envy towards them. Was I missing my old parents? I never had those moments with my mother or father, and the war ruined any hope of it occurring again.

So that's how you must feel.

My mind traveled back to Kiyomi's memories, to her- no, our dream. The itching feeling made me want Hatsumi.

If Mama were here, she'd be proud... I wish she could be here.

18:37... 18:36... 18:35... 18:34...

Times passing, I should get going. If I can get back in time to grab those tablets, the timer won't matter. Don't wanna get in between them, they're enjoying the moment.

With Wyrm-tooth sheathed and slung over my back, I walked towards the same gate with the intent of b-lining it to the guild. I was sure someone would give me directions back to the surface with little to question, even with the charred clothing. I'd made it some twenty feet or so into the small entranceway. Past my friends and the occasional healer, ignoring them as I kept my next movement in mind. At the far end was the exit, some of the healers heading out as they undoubtedly looked to spend their fresh coin.

"Ah, excuse me... No, the fault was mine, but save me a pint at the pub if you'd mind owing me one, aye? Need to celebrate after today."

A familiar voice echoed in the hall amongst rushed apologies only a second before I bumped into someone that rounded the corner.

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