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Anxiety is flooding my nerves at the moment; Hatsumi was holding my hand as we are about to enter the Dining room. We'd already dropped my stuff off in our room- Oh, did I mention I didn't have a room? Yeah, apparently we're sharing her room...and a bed...goodbye privacy.

"Are you ready, Kiyomi? You're sweating right now; you have nothing to worry about, you know?"

Hatsumi was trying to encourage me.

I know it's stupid, but the reason I'm so nervous is that I didn't have to break the ice with the others. Hatsumi was there when I woke, Lorn and Maria were pretty much authority figures to me, and Callum took the first step for me. But this was my first time meeting the rest of the family. Even though I had nothing to worry about, it felt like it was on me to make a good impression.

"I think I'm ready."

I tried smiling back at her without making it seem forced.

"Well, I'm here, so if you need to lean on me, just squeeze my hand."

She flashed me a gentle smile in turn.

She knows how nervous I am. Thank you, Hatsumi.

"So, let's say hi to the others."

With that, Hatsumi pushed the wooden door open and guided me along next to her. I was too caught up in the excitement when the realization of how small I was crept back into the forefront of my mind. My head was just above the door handle, and I often found myself plastering to Hatsumi's side. This would be the fourth time today I had partially hid behind her. I was vulnerable, and it made it all that much worse. What came into sight was slightly more calming than I expected. There at a round dining table was Callum, bickering with a female elf that clearly wasn't Lorn and an older man that looked quite similar to him.

"Damnit, Callum, for the last time! You aren't bringing women into this house anymore!"

The older man across from Callum chastised.

"Oh, come on, no one can hear anything outside the rooms anyway."

Callum sputtered a defense for himself with difficulty, his argument seeming to only dig himself deeper with each denial and deflection.

"Callum, no, you'll be a bad influ- Oh hey Hatsumi!"

The elf was the last to get a word in before they had all noticed our arrival. Probably hoping to skip over the subject in the presence of a child.

"You two arrived just in time; Maria finished fixing your plates!"

Thankfully they were making this easy, and the elf was already kicking up the conversation before I had been forced to introduce myself to yet more strangers.

"Oh, and it seems someone is in good health~."

The elf drew her attention to me, giving a rather happy, toothy smile.

"Kiyomi is very much awake, and she even kept her energy up after meeting Claire."

Hatsumi said, ruffling my hair as she spoke.

"Oooooo, I can see that. She's got quite a cute outfit. She almost looks like a little adventurer."

Why do I feel like this elf is teasing me?

I found myself puffing up my cheeks from embarrassment.

"Awwww, she looks upset, Chessa stop bullying her!"

The older male in the room made himself heard once more.

"Think of what she's saying as a compliment, for real, kid. She's sweeter than the poking makes her sound."

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