C23 A Feast well enjoyed

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"Thank you, everyone!"

I was currently struggling to hold back tears after Claire led me into the living area of our home. What greeted me was a sight of everyone I'd been spending time with since I arrived in this world. It was only a little over a week, but the sheer culture shock and change of position in life was so great that even little things managed to distract me or ease the stress.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...

The tears managed to break free weakly, as I could feel the excess liquid glazing my sight over before Hatsumi welcomed me and directed me to a chair in between herself and Callum. I wiped my eyes as I made my way over to the seat they had made for me, and as my sight cleared, I got a better look at what was on the table.

Dear God, what am I seeing?

The glimpse of the table I was able to receive as I passed each person waiting around the table was almost strange. I saw food items that were nearly forgotten before my death. While most day-to-day foods survived the war, they were changed at their core thanks to the shift in the earth's environment and fauna. Most of the meals I've had up until this point in this world were already completed, shielding me from any idea of raw fruit, vegetable, or meat. Enoki was almost indistinguishable; chicken was untouched, standard grilled or boiled vegetables seemed rather close to normal. All of the meals managed to look so natural, prepared, and ready for consumption. But on the table, there was a boar, something that was endangered on earth after the war.

Every small thing...earth was so far gone...did I really not remember what a boar or pig looked like before?

This truly was a feast, with every fathomable food that could be reasonably gathered. The boar was fire-roasted, its body cleaned, each of its major portions already carved for those dining to take from it freely. Surrounding it was a vast array of either fresh, roasted, or grilled vegetables, with bread surrounding them. There were occasional plates scattered on the table, lined with what looked like wild grapes and a few apples. What looked like freshly split cheese wheels were staggered between every other person, a steaming porcelain bowl filled with what must have been at least half a melted wheel alone. And lastly, were a few plates of steaming, grilled steak. Cooked to perfection with herbs and butter to their sides or on them. And aside from all this, already present were four bottles of what was clearly wine, flanked by a few pitchers of water to match.

All of this managed to keep my attention until I made my way next to Hatsumi, who raised an already filled wine glass when I finally made my way over.

"To the suns' passed, and the many suns' to come. Kiyomi, we're all rooting for you!"

After finishing her opener, Hatsumi looked down to me and smiled as everyone else in the room followed her lead but with only one part.

"To many years to come!"

After this, I wasn't sure what to do at all. I found myself waiting for a prompt on what to do before Callum spoke.

"Well, kid? What in the hell are you waiting for? Dig in!"

With a nudge to my shoulder and Callum's encouragement, I moved into my seat, which I was immediately standing in as I used a meat fork to grab one of the steaks.

Ahhhh, beef! Sweet, untouched, normal beef!

I rather unceremoniously plopped back into my seat after I felt Hatsumi grab my tail by its tip.

"This is a celebration, don't turn it into another bathhouse trip like earlier this week."

Hatsumi leaned in and teased.

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