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"So where exactly do her statuses sit, Lorn?"

Stanis and Lorn stood some distance away, conversing while Hatsumi was occupied with Kiyomi. The beast kin was in the midst of fawning over her daughter after the little girl managed to fell a great oak with a single kick.

"I was able to see her physical statuses, her HP and her MP seem normal, increments of 0ne-thousand each."

Lorn answered, pulling out a small hand-rolled cigarette.

"However, her physical stats are where she jumps."

She then proceeded to produce a small flame from one of her fingertips after bringing the item to her lips.

"Her base stats are all abnormal except for her constitution. She has the strength of a damn Ogre; I can tell you that."

Lorn lit the cigarette and proceeded to take a drag before moving on.

"How abnormal are we talking? I've seen enhanced strength and reflexes in kids before. But this is pushing it."

Stanis asked.

"Well, for starters, her strength is seven-teen."


Stanis asked with a serious expression, lorn nodding to him.

"Her strength not showing until yesterday was probably from her body still trying to recover from the arrow shot. Hatsumi said the scar from the entry wound is still present."

"What about the other statuses?"


Lorn stifled a chuckle.

"The girls a Harlot in the making."

"What the hell, Lorn?"

Stanis scoffed, thinking Lorn uncharacteristically insulted Kiyomi.

"Her Strength is abnormally high, her dexterity is too. Her intelligence adds up to what she displayed when I was teaching her. She's much smarter than most would give her credit at a glance, same for her wisdom."

Lorn took another drag, then exhaled a small cloud of smoke.

"Her charisma is the same as her strength."

Stanis tilted his head.

"Aside from her abnormal strength, why would her charisma be that high?"

Lorn shrugged.

"Well, my theory right now-"

Lorn paused, stretching to the side slightly.

"-The theory right now is that before she lost her memory, her patron god christened her the Matriarch of her line."

Stanis blinked.

"Is that the closest you could get?"


Lorn responded curtly.

"Who could her patron be?"

Stanis asked, prompting Lorn to look him in the eyes with a serious expression.

"With that strength, who do you think?"

Lorn asked in a rather coarse tone.


"Couldn't be closer."

"What do we do?"

Stanis asked the elf, turning his sights to his friends and the aforementioned girl.

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