C75 Winters story 5

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The field was set, with our effort. Small false emplacements made of cheap wood, blunted spike barricades lining portions of the field to create maneuvering obstacles. On each end of the snow covered training field was a scaled down wooden replica of the city's gates, marking the final line both as an objective and the marker of defeat.

"Everyone looks to be here."

Stannis leaned against one of the barricades, producing a cigarette case from his gambison and pulling a cigarette free.

"Rules are same as usual, keep your place within your shield wall until your captain says otherwise. This is a test of your ability to follow orders and communicate as usual."

Stannis lit his cigarette, taking a long draw from it before continuing.

"Being as the goal is to broaden your capabilities as well, Maeve is captain of team A, and John is Captain of team B. Any questions?"

John tilted his head for a moment in confusion before asking aloud.

"Wasn't I going to be on Maeve's team?"

Stannis shrugged, echoing some smoke.

"Plans change, be ready for that when the time comes. In the case of military movement, unless you're high enough in position your station could change at any given moment. If a change happens on the battlefield due to a death or injury to severe to handle there, you need to be able to take or relinquish the reigns."

Stannis pointed to myself, I was sitting on the center support of the same barricade as I waited.

"Kiyomi, this will be an example for you. While the environment and tactics are different, the ability to make decisions in a dynamic environment follows over completely."

Nodding slowly as I followed, Stannis directed the teams to their positions and the formations they would be taking. Defending team lead by John would be forming a Skein, or a V formation. They would be guarding the front of their emplacement between the two barricades as well as two flanks. Attacking team was free to disperse at Maeve's discretion.


Stannis held out his free hand to assist me off the barricade.

"Come with me for a second."

Stannis motioned towards the defending side, prompting me to join him.

"So how exactly am I the objective?"

I looked up as we walked, curious of my rope.

"Well, you're the Lady of the castle. If the enemy gets through to you and gets you to the other side-"

Stannis pointed to the opposite end of the field.

"That's their victory condition. They have roughly half an hour to do so, with four attempts In total."

Stannis grabbed me from underneath my arms, raising me up and sitting me on top of the gate.

"They'll be at this for two hours?"

I squinted and tilted my head. Sure the wargame seemed rather simple, but the attrition of straining yourself for that long would definitely leave them all winded by the time we were done. Stannis continued talking for a moment as I thought.

For a military exercise, the goal sounds kinda... game-ish? There's no big strain on soft skills. It sounds like basic... training.

Looking back over the group for a moment, the realization dawned that they weren't kitted like they should have been.

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