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Four hours. It had been exactly four hours since I came to the airport waiting for 'N'. I got up from my seat and made a last trip to the help counter. I had already asked them three times whether there was any flight that was delayed. As I made my way to the counter, the lady recognised me and gave me a fake smile.

"Ma'am there is still no such flight that has been delayed. If you can tell me which exact flight you're talking about, I can help you a lot then", she answered before I even questioned her about anything. The most amazing part was that I had no clue where 'N' was coming from, which country, which airline, nothing.

I thanked the lady for the umpteenth time and made my way to the parking lot. Was I being tricked? Was there really a 'N' who had said he would travel around the world just to meet me? Was this all just a joke? I could feel this weird pain in me and it was spreading throughout my body. I was really ready to meet my 'internet best friend' and then I get tricked.

I decided I had had enough of this nonsense and to go home and just relax. I had taken this leave to live a week without stress and that was what I was going to do.


"So where's your friend?" My mom asked me as she opened the door to let me in.

"It was a no show", I whispered and sat down on the couch looking at the television.

"Look its the boyband you work for", she smiled and I mentally thanked her for not questioning me further. She increased the volume of the television. It was a live interview which was going to start in a few minutes.

I had no clue that they were supposed to do an interview so I grabbed my phone and called up Lou.

"You never told me about this interview?"

"It was just decided. They are announcing their new album. Don't worry, everything's fine. You enjoy your break Mel", and with that Lou ended the call.

I was very confused but when my mom got me a hot chocolate cup with little marshmallows in it, just the way I liked it, I cuddled up and decided not to worry. The boys came on the screen in a while and everyone looked happy and chirpy except for Niall. Knowing him exactly I could tell something really bad had happened with him. Niall was this giggly-enthusiastic mess 24/7, what was wrong with him today?

The interview was a short one with Liam announcing the big news and Harry trying to make Niall laugh, but his mood was just off. As soon as the interview was over I called up Harry first. When I didn't get an answer from him I called up Liam.

"Hey hey hey Mel"

"Hi Liam. So I saw the interview, new album huh?"

"Yeah management decided now was the right time to let everyone know. I'm very happy because we've got some really amazing music to show"

"I'm very happy for you all, congratulations"

"Thank you so much. Get back here soon so we can all celebrate!"

"Yes I will. Er is Harry near you? He's not picking up his phone."

"Yup he's right here hold on."

I heard some shuffling and then a 'its Mel' before a very loud "Good morning to you too Mel."

"Good morning Harry. Why the hell aren't you picking up my call?"

"Erm I kept my phone aside, since you know it doesn't fit in my pockets. So what's up?"

"Well firstly congratulations on the new album news."

"Thank you Mel", he made kissey noises.

"And second, what's wrong with Niall? I mean I saw the interview and I saw him and there's definitely something wrong with him."

"Well he had plans to go meet someone but then we had to do this interview and it was all planned right now at the end moment, so his plans got cancelled and now he's sulking like a little boy that he is."

"Oh", was all that I could say. Here I thought there was this 0.1% chance that he was in a bad mood because he was missing me and then the reality was that he couldn't go to meet someone.

"Are you okay?" Harry's voice was soft and concerning.

"Any idea who he was going to meet?"

"He doesn't wanna tell us, all he says is that its someone special."

Before I could say anything I saw my screen light up from the corner of my eye so I pulled my phone ahead and saw that I had got a message from 'N'.

lovethemboys : I am so sorry I couldn't come to meet you I had this work that popped up last minute


Niall answered my #askniall question at the PGA championship !!!!!! Rory asked him my question and Niall fricking answered. Now both of hem know I have a twitter account lololol

If you wanna see the video PM me on here or DM me on my twitter - @/niallsnapchat

Hope everyone's doing fine !

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