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A/N I literally did have no control and everyone was so "gwhejseebenskeben" after the last update that I had to do this update quicker

I felt long, soft fingers grip my hand.

"H-hi", I heard someone stutter. It did sound like someone familiar.

His fingers tried to find my palm so I used my other hand and got his palm to mine. As soon as our fingers met, they immediately moulded together and I felt good. This feeling was so familiar, it felt like I had touched his hand before.

"So get settled down and I'll come back to tell you all about our specials", Ricky spoke and asked me to sit down. I lowered my back slowly, not knowing when my bum would hit something. When I felt a soft cushion below me I got comfortable and sat up straight. I really couldn't see anything. Who would even come up with such a concept?

"So hi", I heard who I thought was 'N'. He definitely had an accent, an Irish or a Scottish one, I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hi", I smiled but then I realised he couldn't see me anyways.

I could hear people laughing and more cutlery being used. Someone even banged into our table and I had no clue what the hell was happening.

"So good place huh?", he spoke and giggled. I giggled and unknowingly snorted and immediately covered my nose. That made 'N' laugh leaving me red in the face.

"I'm so sorry, that wasn't meant to happen", I didn't even know where to look. Everything was pitch black 360° around me.

"It's okay, that was cute", I felt something near my hand that made me take away my hand thinking it was some stranger just bumping into me.

"It's me", I heard that accent. Irish, definitely Irish. Now that I thought about it, he did mention he was from Ireland.

I put my hand forward and after much difficulty, I got hold of his palm. The same warmth filled my body and I felt good, really good.

"So are we ready to hear what we'll be eating tonight?" Ricky popped up and scared the hell out of the both of us. I immediately jerked.

"God Ricky let us know you're coming near or something like that", I huffed but tried to be polite.

"Sure. I'm sorry ma'am."

"So what are we having?"

A bunch of delicacies were being told to us and all I could think was how in the world would we manage to eat all that?

"I'll be right back with your order. Enjoy", and with that I presumed he left.

"So are you gonna tell me what your name is or what?" I giggled again making sure I didn't snort.

"Oh come on. Where's the fun in that? We're going for a walk after this right? You'll get to know everything", I could feel him stressing on the 'everything'.

"Okay big boy. What's my surprise?"

"You'll find that out as soon as we're out of this place. Now let's just enjoy our dinner."

I heard someone clear his throat and then a "I've placed two plates in front of y'all. This is your spoon...", a spoon was placed in my hand, "..and now you can feed each other. I'll be back very quick so not to worry. I'll help you out if there's any difficulty." And with that I guess he left again.

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