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I wake up next to a hungover, naked man and as last night's events come back to me, I remember its Niall. Niall Horan and I have been friends for a while now. My heart skipped a beat when I first met him through Lou Teasdale, one day I'm just meeting him at the studio and the next we're going to parties and hanging out together. Come to think of it, we've been really good friends for a while when one fine day my drunk self went and kissed his dark, plump, pink lips. I pulled back immediately regretting my decision, but when he kissed me back that night I knew we were in this together. But then came the next day where he regretted everything followed by a big fight. I felt crushed when he said "there is nothing that can happen between us" but was confused when he kissed me back again. That kiss was driven with such eagerness and such passion that all my anger was dissolved and I gave him what he deserved. So now here we were, just being friends with benefits.

Me? I am just an ordinary junior working my way in the make-up and hairstyle industry. Working under Lou Teasdale had its perks - I got to tour with her wherever she went and I met the boys from her.

"Melissa", Niall rolled in his sleep and faced me. Last night was just like our usual night, making out and then sleeping, we didn't have sex because he was apparently tired.

"You've got to be up in 10", I reminded him and started dressing up. Yes, I would be a fool if I said I didn't have any feelings for Niall but he didn't, obviously. So I decided to just play along, being bed buddies.

"No stay here. I don't wanna go anywhere. Let's just cuddle", Niall's morning voice echoed through the room. It was what I always wanted to hear the first thing I woke up every morning. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back on the bed.

Amidst laughter and giggles I looked at him. His eyes were droopy, hair was everywhere and his touch was soft. And at this time of the day my heart would always remind me that those feelings never left, they were just kept under a lot of rejections. His eyes reminded me of the ocean with the sun in between the waves. His voice always had this calming effect. But I had to stop myself from thinking any further, we had a deal of no feelings whatsoever. But the thought of being in his arms and in his life forever would always question my so called feelings for him.

But it takes two to clap, there would be no future of any sorts for us, given he didn't feel anything for me.

"You need to go", I pushed all his hair behind.

"No. I can call in sick."

"You've got a concert tonight."

"And I'll be seeing you after that", he winked and got out of bed.

To the outer world we were just friends, nobody knew about what was happening inside these four walls. Harry I guess had a doubt but he forgot about it. Yes I had my fair share of hate, I belong to the fandom too, not as much as the '1D AF' fans but yes I did love their songs. And by hate I mean the full deal, I used to get death threats, claims that I just used Lou's name for getting into the industry but I didn't let that affect me. Niall had told me about everything and that I just had to build a wall against all those threats. He was very protective in that sense, always asked how I was coping up when a new wave of hate came my way. But I learned from him, he was the most carefree person I had ever met. He never let any bad comment affect him, he used to take it in with a pinch of salt. And then there was me - I couldn't deal with the hate. I used to lock myself up in the room and emerge out the next day. Since Lou also had her family issues to deal with, she didn't bother. But I had no one. My family was back in America and I was the only child. Friends came and friends went, nobody stuck around. And I had found this friend in Niall. Even after we began fooling around, he never stopped caring about me, in the friendship way of course. He used to join me in my 24 hour abandonment state and distract me by just being in the same room with me and talk the world's biggest load of crap. Or he used to just pepper my body with soft kisses. He used to make me forget all the outer world drama with just one touch. And that one touch would drive me on fire.


Just a head's up that there will be sexual content in the coming chapter, so if you're not comfortable I suggest you don't read it.

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