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"Hiiiiiiii", I was pulled into a big hug, and unconsciously my phone slipped from my hand and fell down. Three pairs of hands picked me up and carried me in.

All that was going through my head was that I was meeting 'N' tomorrow. I was too excited and didn't even realise that I was holding on to thin air in place of my phone.

"Put me down", I wiggled my body and tried getting out of their hands as soon as I saw my phone lying face down on the carpet.

"Okay okay", and Louis was the first to let go. I saw him smirking and then one by one, ensuring I didn't get hurt, Liam and Harry kept me down on the sofa. I ran and grabbed my phone and excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I had to type a reply to 'N'. Dans Le Noir was a dark restaurant, literally. The restaurant went with the concept of using your other senses while your sense of sight was blocked. Waiters wore night vision goggles so they knew what was happening while guests had to rely on smelling, touching, tasting and hearing. It was quite an exciting concept and I had heard a lot about it but never got the chance to be a guest.

I could hear everyone murmur in confusion about my weird behaviour. But I couldn't care less, all I was caring about was meeting 'N'.


I forgot I wasn't in my own apartment and I did a little happy dance which involved squealing.

Knock knock. "Mel is everything fine?" I heard Liam on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Nothing, nothing", I opened the door and his expression changed as he saw me smiling so wide.

"Its just, my friend's coming over tomorrow and I haven't met him for a while", I whispered and prayed he didn't ask me anything further.

"Well its good to see you happy", he smiled and escorted me to where everyone was sitting. I kept trying to calm myself down and was wanting to talk to 'N' but he wasn't on.

As soon as I sat down Niall walked in with an ever big smile on his face. His cheeks would sure ache tomorrow if he kept smiling like that.

"Hello", he smiled even more.

"You look extremely happy", Harry spoke while peeling a banana.

"Of course Harry, Mel's back duh", Louis joked and laughed.

"That too. But my main reason is something else", Niall beamed again.

I felt a bit offended but it disappeared quickly. I didn't mind that he wasn't happy about me coming back.

"Oh is it that someone you've been all secretive and blushing and hush hush about?" Liam spoke up and Niall instantly blushed.

"You'll get to know about it all when the time is right", he blushed again and distracted himself by picking up a bottle of beer.

"Hey! Good days are finally here", and we all toasted.


The concert was done. Everyone welcomed me back with a smile and since I was already so happy, I was ecstatic about my work. Hair was perfect, the boys performance was the best and the crowd was the loudest too.

Liam even mentioned that they were the best crowd ever but I've heard him say that at every concert.

As soon as I finished packing for the day and was ready to head back home, Harry met me. He was tying his hair in a bun, face all sweaty.

"So we are going to a restaurant tomorrow for dinner, all of us, Niall too. Wanna come?"

"Which one?" I asked him and stuffed the last bottle of hairspray in the bag.

"I keep forgetting the name but we haven't been there and its nearby, good reviews."

"Oh. Thanks Harry, but I have plans for tomorrow. I'm meeting up with a friend and um yeah, maybe next time", I smiled and Harry pouted.

"Oh Mel. Is it someone special?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'll only let you go if its someone special. Its a really good restaurant."

"He's very very special", I smiled and looked at him. He turned his upside down and he nodded.

"Okay then. Next time", we hugged and I hit his bum ordering him to take a shower.

My phone buzed and I wanted to scream and yell in excitement because I knew who it was.

lovethemboys : I'm on. LETS MAKE A PROPER PLAN



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