You Know Him?

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Nico didn't want to talk to Will's college's straight-out-of-a-cheesy-movie-jocks on a Friday evening whilst he was waiting for Will to come meet him at the entrance but, unfortunately, the gods seemed to hate him. There were two of them and they were toned and tall with floppy hair and a habit of winking at every girl who walked past, despite one of them having a girl in cheerleader costume hanging onto his arm (she had better muscles than the boys in Nico's opinion). The other spun a basketball on his middle finger in a pathetic attempt to look cool. They were sporty and decent looking, sure, but they didn't hold a candle to Will.

"I haven't seen you before," the girl commented, not unkindly. However, the basketball boy had to butt in and make it rude.

"Of course not. He's hidden in the darkness like a vampire," he snorted. His friend snorted too but the girl frowned and Nico took a sudden liking to her.

"Don't be like that, Louis," she warned before turning to Nico. She was pretty, he decided, although he was still immovably gay. She had short, dark brown hair, a round face and sparkling, hazel eyes. The girl wasn't impossibly thin, which Nico thought slightly made up for her stereotypical companions. If anything, she was a little overweight. She was one of those people who radiated comfort and happiness. Like Will, Nico thought with a small smile.

"I'm Vi. This is Louis and my boyfriend, Henry. Do you need any help?" she asked, ignoring the looks the boys gave her. Nico shook his head but appreciated the gesture.

"Nico and no thank you," he said. "I'm waiting for someone."

Henry guffawed. "The emo kid has friends?"

Vi slapped him on the arm, telling him to stop, but he payed no attention. Louis was laughing his head off too. Nico crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, rolling his eyes with a sigh.

"I'm waiting for Will Solace. We're close. You know him?"

The boys laughed harder and Vi gawked, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

"Will Solace? He's friends with pretty much everyone in school. Of course we know him! He's on the basketball team with Louis and Henry. Lovely guy. Got half the school drooling over him."

Nico chuckled airily. "I don't doubt it."

"How'd you know him? Grow up together?" Vi asked. Nico's lips twisted into a wry smile.

"Something like that."

Louis scoffed and took a step closer, leering at Nico and looking him up and down like he was an particularly irritating obstacle in his path. Nico returned his glare with his famous death one and was satisfied when Louis stepped back again.

"He's being vague because he's lying. Will's not his friend."

Nico didn't respond, just cocked an eyebrow. Vi scolded her friend and was about to apologise to Nico when the son of Hades spotted his boyfriend. Will's eyes were scanning the crowd for him but Louis and Henry were blocking his view so Nico raised a hand and called out, "Hey, raggio di sole!"

Louis, Henry and Vi turned around as Will grinned, finally seeing him, and half jogged over. He eyed Louis and Henry apprehensively but smiled at Vi. Vi smiled back.

Nico was immensely pleased with the utter disbelief on the jocks' faces so, to up the ante, when Will reached his boyfriend, he found slender arms wrapping around his neck. Will blinked in surprise, not used to Nico being so forward or the conspicuous public display of affection, but snaked his hands around the shorter's waist in return. Both boys were aware of the heads that had turned to them. Nico pushed himself up on his tiptoes, playing with the hair at the nape of Will's neck. He glanced at the gobsmacked corridor and smirked, kissing Will's nose with featherlight touch. He payed no attention to the gasps as people began to piece everything together but instead took in Will's face with his eyes wide and shocked but happy and his mouth hanging the tiniest bit open, although the corners still lifted up. Like Nico, he didn't appear to care about anyone else, or perhaps he didn't notice. They hadn't seen each other in a few days because Nico had gone to visit everyone in New Rome but Will had exams and couldn't come. Honestly, Nico was doing it less and less to spite Louis and Henry by the moment. He was doing it for him and for Will.

"Missed me, amore?" Nico asked, just loud enough for the listeners to hear. He didn't wait for an answer before crashing his lips against Will's. He could fell them both smiling into the kiss as Will's arms tightened on Nico's waist and Nico tightened his grasp on Will's curls. They broke apart after a few seconds, breathing more heavily. There would be plenty of time for that later.

Nico hadn't forgotten the corridor but was more focused on Louis and Henry. He raised his eyebrows at them.

"You know what, you were right. He isn't my friend." Nico held up his ring finger, showing off the gold band with a sun and a moon engraved on it. " He's my fiancé."

Will's face momentarily darkened. "Were they giving you shit?"

Nico shrugged. "Don't worry about it, babe. Besides, Vi's nice." He stopped and locked eyes with the cheerleader, motioning to Louis and Henry. "You can do better. They're cazzos."

She nodded slowly and Nico gave her a rare smile, turning back to Will. "Wanna go home, caro?"

Will quickly forgot his anger and took Nico's hand. "Of course, darlin'. We have a lot of catching up to do."



Hey, loves! Eternally grateful for 4k reads. Of course I had to do this cliché and the premise was based off something I saw on Pinterest once.

Ash x

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