Flooding and Yoda

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"Remind me why we're doing this?" Kayla asked, bumping her shoulder against Percy's arm.

"Because it's genius," Percy declared. His eyes lit up at the sight of every pipe in the Hades cabin bursting simultaneously.

Water seeped out under the door and indistinct yelling filled the camp.

"It's suicidal," Kayla countered. She chewed the end of her hair as she thoughtfully considered flower arrangements for a funeral.

"But it's perfect!" Percy said. "All of Nico's clothes are going to be soaked because I know for a fact that he hasn't put them away yet. I saved him a change of everything except for a shirt. And that's where you come in."

"That's where I come in."

Kayla sighed. She patted Percy on the shoulder.

"Get out of here," she said. "I don't want Nico to see me with you."

Percy saluted and sprinted off moments before the door of the Hades cabin burst open and a small flood gushed down the steps.

"Fish-faced, sand for brains," Nico muttered as he stepped out into the sun. Kayla muffled a laugh.

The 'terrifying' son of Hades reminded her of a drowned rat. He looked utterly scorned by the whole situation with his shirt clinging to his torso, his hair dripping and his jeans plastered onto his legs.

Kayla slipped on her best mask of concern.

"Woah. You good, di Angelo?"

"Yeah, I'm perfect," Nico replied sarcastically. "I've decided to chase my dreams and pursue the life of a beluga."

"Your head's big enough for it," Kayla joked.

"Get drenched, Knowles."

Nico's eyes caught on the duffel bag set to the side of his cabin with the Goode High logo on the side. Scowling, he yanked it open and rummaged around inside.

"That asshole's brought me jeans, Finding Nemo socks and Hercules underwear but not a t-shirt?"

That was Kayla's cue.

"I can't say any of my stuff will fit but Will keeps loads of spare t-shirts," she said. "You can borrow one of his."

Nico frowned. "Can't I just borrow Austin's? He's closer to my size."

"It's Apollo cabin wash day," Kayla explained. "All our stuff won't be dry until tonight. Will keeps a few extra t-shirts that he washes on the Hermes kids' day because he's over cautious like that."

She'd never been so thankful that her brother was a weirdo.

Nico leaned his head up to the sky with an exasperated groan.

"Okay," he said. "Thanks, Kayla."

"Don't sound too enthusiastic," Kayla sassed, pulling Nico and the duffel bag over to her cabin.

She kicked open the door, letting Nico go and pulling Will's clothes trunk from under his bed and opening it. She tossed Nico one.

Nico held it up, eyeing it suspiciously.

"I can't take this," he protested. "It's his Star Wars shirt! It's his favourite."

Kayla pulled a face. "Oh, what a shame. It's the only one left."

"Aren't there-"

"They're dirty," Kayla said quickly.

"I thought them being washed was the point of them."

Kayla shrugged. "Beats me. You can change in the bathroom."

Nico shot her a funny look but retreated to the bathroom with the bag and shirt in hand. He emerged a few minutes later with Will's green Yoda shirt hanging down to his thighs.

"I've stuffed my clothes in Percy's bag," he announced smugly. "It's going to be soggy when I throw it in his face."

"Looking forward to seeing it," Kayla said.

"Follow me then," Nico said grimly, marching out the door.

Kayla followed closely after, staying a few paces behind to stay out of the radiating anger zone.

"Perseus!" Nico yelled. "Come out, you coward!"

Percy emerged from behind a tree, holding his hands up.

"I call a truce," he said.

"What the underworld were you thinking?" Nico demanded.

"You look good with some colour on you," Percy tried, wincing.

Nico rolled his eyes, summoning a skeleton that grabbed Percy's ankle and help him upside down.

Percy shrieked in shock. Kayla smirked.

"Okay, that's enough," she said reluctantly. "Don't over exert yourself."

"I'm not," Nico argued as he swayed on his feet.

Percy, despite the blood rushing to his head, winked at Kayla and gave her a thumbs up.

Kayla nodded.

"You need to come to the infirmary," she demanded. "You're still not supposed to be summoning anything yet."

Nico paled. "You can't tell Will. He'll kill me!"

"Should have thought of that," Kayla said, yanking him away from Percy and over to the steps.

"I could just shadow travel away, you know!" Nico said.

"Like heck you will," Kayla protested. "Will actually might kill you if you do."

She hauled the son of Hades into the infirmary and stomped up to her brother's office.

"Delivery for Solace."

Will looked up from his work, eyes moving over the pair of them and doubling back on Nico. His face turned red.


"There was an incident," Kayla said. "Percy pulled a prank and Nico pulled a Nico."

"What's a Nico?" Nico asked.

"Doing something reckless and stupid," Will answered, standing up and sandwiching Nico's face between his palms. "What did you do?"

"I... did a small summoning."


"Percy flooded my cabin! I had to take one of your shirts. I'm sorry about that by the way."

"No, that's fine," Will said quickly. "The shirt thing. Not everything else. You look good as Yoda."

"You look good as Yoda?" Kayla repeated but Will and Nico were too busy staring at each other.

Kayla back out of the room before their inching slowly towards each other turned into a collision.

When she passed by later, she heard muffled sounds and decided that, even if their pining was insufferable, their dating might be even worse.

Percy had fun though.



Hey, loves!

This isn't the most cleverly plotted work but I was late on publishing so have this as an apology. My usual publishing is at least once a week (the day varies) so I'll get back to that next week.

Ash x

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