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Nico groaned, blinking blearily as he rubbed his eyes and forced himself out of bed. It was Sunday morning and, as usual, he could hear cheerful humming coming from the kitchen. He smiled as he entered the kitchen to see Will in his pyjama bottoms and a dirty apron making pancakes. Silently, Nico came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Will's torso, pressing his face in between Will's shoulder blades. Will didn't even jump anymore.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"Very, thank you. I had a heater in bed with me," Nico replied, releasing Will to grab a handful of strawberries from the side and ignoring Will complaining that they were for the pancakes. Nico smirked, deciding to go watch TV whilst he waited. He loved Sunday TV breakfasts.

He entered the living room, whistling the tune Will had been humming before, and stopped dead when he saw who was in front of him.

"Babe!" he called rather frantically. "Oh miei dei. Porca puttana. Babe!"

Not five seconds later, Will burst in brandishing a frying pan. He froze when he saw the four children. All of them looked disturbingly familiar.

"Nico! You've shrunk!" Will exclaimed, pointing to a smaller version of Nico, who was looking around intrigued.

Standing there were younger versions of Nico, Will, Annabeth and Percy. They looked about the age of when Nico first came to camp. Nico took a few steps back to stand the the son of Apollo, wishing he'd ignored Will's lecture on no swords at breakfast.

"A frying pan, William?" Nico said, unsure of how to tackle this. "I know I said you're like Rapunzel but I was joking."

"Well I'm sorry that I was making you breakfast and the closest thing I could find after hearing you yelling for me was a frying pan! At least I tried to defend you from the mini... us."

"Are you two together?" Young Nico blurted out.

"Five years strong. Who's asking?" Will answered, raising the pan higher above his head.

"Look, we don't know what's going on anymore than you do. Who even are you?" Young Annabeth asked sceptically, hands on hips.

Will and Nico exchanged looks and nods.

"William Solace, son of Apollo," Will said, lowering his frying pan slightly but keeping it on hand.

"I'm William Solace," Young Will protested.

"I know," Will muttered, still trying to wrap his head around it.

"Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades," Nico announced. Young Nico was unable to contain his jumping up and down.

"Cool! You have cool hair. It's kind of messy."

Nico ran a hand through his shaggy hair self-consciously.

"You should see his bed head." Will grinned, momentarily letting down his guard before he remembered what was going on. "Wait, that's not the point. Why are you here?"

Young Percy handed them a piece of paper.

"I found this," he said.

Dear Demigods,

We have decided to send a few of you to the future temporarily because the gods were complaining about not having good enough Hephaestus TV. They won't remember anything when they return to the correct time later this evening.

Have fun,

The Fates.

"You have got to be kidding me." Nico sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "The first thing we should do is figure out what happens when Percy and Annabeth come for dinner. They should be here any second."

"Why am I coming here with him?" Young Annabeth demanded.

"Are we all friends?" Young Nico piped up.

Nico grinned in quite an alarming manner and rubbed his hands together. Will caught his expression and lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't get too many ideas-"

"Too late!"

Before Will could reply, the doorbell rang. Nico's devilish smile grew wider as he opened the door.

"Hey lovebirds! How's it go... ah!" Percy jumped a foot in the air and would have fallen if Annabeth hadn't caught him.

"Are they-" Annabeth started.

"Yeah, we're past that." Nico wafted a hand dismissively. He handed her the note and she scanned it with a grim expression. Percy read it over her shoulder and groaned.

" I swear the gods are obsessed with me," he declared dramatically.

Will snorted." Don't flatter yourself, Jackson. They sent them to us."

"Dude, you do realise you're talking to Percy Jackson, right? He's kind of a big deal," Young Will hissed.

"Am I now?" Percy beamed and ruffled Young Will's hair. Young Will looked like he was holding back a fanboy squeal. Nico watched with amusement.

"Okay, so I might have idolised Percy when I was little." Will rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. "You can't talk and Annabeth definitely can't."

"Why can't she?" Young Percy questioned.

Nico's eyes glinted. "She married you."


Hours later and after much laughing, screaming, protesting, many questions and convincing, a blinding white light called all conversation to a halt as there stood Apollo in all his self-assured glory.

"I have come to return the children to the Fates!" he proclaimed, spreading his arms and bowing a little. He straightened up and turned to Will and Nico.

"Hey, Dad," Will said resignedly, accepting the inescapable hug. Apollo also hugged a very reluctant Nico.

"My favourite kids!"

"I'm not your kid," Nico retorted.

"Not yet." Apollo winked. Both pairs of Will and Nico blushed dark red. Percy and Annabeth were chuckling quietly but they weren't left out either.

"So when are you going to give sea dude and the smart lady some grandkids?"

Nico burst out laughing.

"I am not having kids with him!" Young Annabeth cried out. "I'm not even touching him!"

"A bit late for that," Will murmured, earning a shoulder punch from Annabeth.

They waved goodbye to the kids and Apollo as they left. It felt strangely quiet afterwards. Will noticed Nico's expression and frowned, sliding an arm around the son of Hades' waist and pulling him into his side.

"You alright?" Will asked.

Nico nodded. "Yeah, amore, I am. It was just so odd seeing me so... excited. I was so happy. Not that I'm not happy now, obviously. It was only that I was happy and not traumatised, which was pretty great."

"I feel you," Percy chimed in.

"You were an adorable kid," Will admitted, kissing Nico's head.

"Was I adorable?" Percy asked, batting his eyelashes at Annabeth.

"You were annoying."



Hey, loves! This is very lazy but I wanted to get something written.

Ash x

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