Moving In and Making Out

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If you had told fifteen year old Nico that he would be moving in with his fiancé at nineteen with a job and living close to his friends and family he would have laughed in your face.

He took every step with slight uncertainty, holding tight to the boxes in his arms as if he was in some sort of dream. Will walked alongside him, chatting cheerfully with a slight bounce as he walked even though he was carrying a potted plant so large he couldn't possibly see where he was going. Nico had to grab his arm and yank him out of the way of a couple of street lights.

They made it up to their flat after a lot of puffing and panting and two hours spent just moving everything up there. They hadn't even started to unpack yet.

The plant found a position by the door for now and Nico and Will were left standing in their living room, which joined onto the kitchen, that so far only had a sofa that had been delivered a few days before in it. But holy shit it was theirs.

Nico unceremoniously flopped onto the sofa, stretching out with his feet hanging over one side and his head resting on the arm of the other.

"Might as well get used to this," he joked. "After all, I'm going to be sleeping here whenever I piss you off."

Will sat down almost on top of him.

"So every night then?" he teased. Nico pulled the most offended face he could muster.

"Is that any way to treat your husband-to-be?"

A blinding grin spread across Will’s face.

"Holy fuck, we're going to get married!"

Nico snorted, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I thought you knew what you agreed to when I proposed. Did you not get the marriage part?"

Will rolled his eyes. "We get it. You're sarcastic."

"You're going to have to put up with my sarcasm forever now," Nico reminded him. "Til death do us part."

Will shifted so that he was practically kneeling over his fiancé, their noses almost brushing and Will’s curls reaching down so close to caressing Nico’s face.

"Doesn't sound so bad," Will said as if their lips weren't millimetres away from touching.

"You say that now-"

However Nico was going to finish that sentence would never be known. Will closed the distance, his lips pressing gently but firmly, his mouth warm and soft and so insistent. Nico sank back into the sofa, hands raising to cling to Will’s back and tangle in his hair.

The sofa smelled musty. Will smelled like honey and plants and that cologne that Nico always said he hated but he loved it and Will knew he loved it. Will tasted like honey too, like the honey in his sandwhich earlier with a hint of the kit kat he'd eaten too. He was so familiar and yet so new and Nico was drowning in the best way possible.

They parted for a second, panting breaths mingling. Nico grinned up at Will and for just a few moments he didn't care how sappy he looked.

"That's one of the best things about moving in together," Will said, dipping down to kiss Nico again. "We can make out whenever we want to."

"Is that," Nico asked between sweet kisses, "is that all we're going to be doing now?"

Will drew back and Nico could see the spark in his eyes.

"Hell yeah it is. I won't be able to keep my hands off you. Or my lips."

Will accentuated the end of his sentence with a hard kiss to the forehead. Nico pretended to think about it.

"I suppose that wouldn't be too bad."

He kissed Will’s jaw and the hand in Will’s hair moved to cup Will’s cheek tenderly as if he held the most precious thing in the world. And of course he did.

"Our own make out flat."

Will laughed. "Yeah. Our own make out flat."

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