Death Threats

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Will shouldn't have been suprised when the death threats started. It had been two months of dating Nico and, to be honest, he'd lulled himself into a false sense of security when the threats hadn't come within the first few days. Nine weeks later he'd thought he was in the clear but positive assumptions are so rarely correct in the life of a demigod.

Working at the infirmary was as exhausting as it was fulfilling and no one could say that it didn't keep you on your toes. One patient might come in on their death bed and the next would have accidentally stabbed themself in the foot and the one after that could have a papercut that they were being dramatic about. As such, much of Will’s time in the infirmary was spent wrangling his siblings, lecturing people and sighing very pointedly.

Not so much of it was spent walking down a corridor and being unexpectedly dragged into a cupboard. Actually no, some of it was spent like that but it was usually Nico doing the dragging.

"What the-" Will nearly fell over but managed to steady himself. "Percy? What do you want and why can't you come to my office like a normal person?"

Percy raised a finger in what was supposed to be a menacing manner.

"Look here, kid."

"You're only two or three years older than me," Will protested.

"Look here, kid." Percy's eyes narrowed. Will resigned himself to his fate. "I know you've been seeing Nico lately and I wanted to make myself very clear. If any harm whatsoever comes to him then I will throw you off the Empire State Building."

Will rubbed his face wearily. "Charming. Nice to know you have so much faith in me. Can I go back to saving people's lives now?"

He didn't wait for an answer and left, going off to find whoever was shouting every curse in the sun down the hallway and leaving a slightly peeved Percy behind him.

Of course this attack was not the last. The next one came when he was sitting on Nico’s cabin porch waiting for his boyfriend to finish sword training so he could take him on a surprise date. He had flowers with him and everything, although Nico would probably tease him for being cheesy despite Will being able to see the blush as they were accepted.

Jason sauntered over, looking like he was trying far too hard to be casual. He sat next to Will, his eyes fixed ahead of him.

"Hello there, William." He cleared his throat. Will frowned.


"Lovely weather isn't it?" Jason continued, picking at the splinters in the wood of the porch.

"Yeah." Will wasn't quite sure where this was going.

"Just so you know," Jason said. "I could change that. Say if something were to happen to Nico, I could quite easily send a lightning bolt to hit whoever or whatever caused him damage."

"That's the most unsubtle way I have ever been threatened."

"I'm not threatening you." Jason turned to meet Will’s eyes. "I'm making a promise."

After that, Will was a little off on his and Nico's date.

It seemed to be a free for all a this point. Percy starting the threats had opened up a wave of people suddenly coming to the conclusion that it was time for the shovel talks.

Piper held a dagger to his throat, Annabeth quizzed him about Nico very thoroughly and to be frank Will was getting tired of it.

Speaking of Frank, the Romans were coming to visit and that only meant it was going to get worse.

"You alright there, mio amore?" Nico asked, nudging Will gently. Will snapped out of his thoughts and smiled as convincingly as he could.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Nico watched him sceptically but only kissed Will’s cheek and said he'd be back after saying hello to Hazel, Reyna and Frank. Will hung back, hands in his pockets, just observing away from the chaos.

That night was spent with a game night in the Posiden cabin. Will sat with his arm around Nico on a large bean bag, Percy and Annabeth were cuddled up on his bed, Piper was aiming popcorn into Jason's mouth, Hazel and Frank were blushing furiously at their touching hands and Reyna was watching everything with a stern expression and a twinkle in her eye.

"Will," Nico said quietly.


"I might be just a tiny bit... cold."

Will's expression turned smug. "I told you to bring a jumper!"

"I know." Nico snuggled impossibly closer to him. "And since you're the best boyfriend in the entire world, maybe you'd lend me yours?"

Nico looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Will tried to avoid eye contact.

"No, nope, not happening."


"No! I told you to bring one!"

Nico leaned up and started kissing Will’s cheek.

"Please," he said between pecks. "Please, please, please can I steal your jumper?"

Will huffed. "Fine. But you have to go get me another one from the Apollo cabin."

"Deal." Nico grinned as Will handed him a warm jumper, immediately pulling it over his head and hugging it to him. "Back in a second."

Will smiled fondly after him. With Nico gone, the room fell quiet. Will tensed, his battle senses tingling even though he knew they weren't necessary.

"What?" he asked, trying to keep his defensive tone out of his voice. Without a jumper, he felt that little bit more exposed.

"You tell me," Reyna stated, glaring at him.

"I genuinely do not know what you're talking about," Will answered.

"What's your deal with Nico?"

"What do you think someone's deal is with their boyfriend?"

Perhaps being snippy was the wrong tactic on a hardened Roman veteran but Will was a veteran himself and he was reaching his limit.

"If you harm a single hair on that boy's head-"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" The words slipped out before Will could process them. "Can you all give it a rest with the bloody 'if you hurt him' speeches? Honestly it's hurtful. I've saved half your skins multiple times. I saved Annabeth’s life as a kid. I think I've more than proved my loyalty and I don't need you lot constantly reminding me of how you don't think I'm good enough for him. I know I'm not. So can you just kill me or shut up about it."

In the silence that followed, the seven stared at Will and he had time to realise what he'd just said. He winced and fixed his gaze on his shoes.

"Sorry, that was not very diplomatic of me. I'm just tired. And I'm really trying to be even a tenth of what Nico deserves, okay?"

A hand patted his arm. Will glanced up and saw Hazel with a sympathetic look in her eyes.

"We're sorry, Will. We can get a little carried away. Nico’s really lucky to have you and he's so happy with you. You're more than enough."

"Yeah, we're sorry," Percy spoke up. "I do owe you a lot, man."

"Perhaps we're not as tactful as we thought," Piper, the woman who threatened him with a knife, added.

Will shifted a little uncomfortably. Reyna's expression was unreadable. Then she stuck out a hand.

"Warrior and medic are not so different."

Cautiously, Will shook it.


Reyna cleared her throat and looked away.

By the time Nico had cone back and settled back into Will’s arms, Will felt a little less on edge. No more death threats. He had been relatively accepted.

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