Night Light and Death Boy: The Final Battle

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"Thousands of men lay dead, defeated by the evil supervillian that is I, Death Boy. You shall be next, Night Light!"

The young boy... sorry, the courageous superhero known to Olympus City as Night Light scowled and pointed his toy light saber... shit, sorry again, his beam of destruction/sword towards the laughing Death Boy.

"Your reign of terror is over Death Boy," he proclaimed. Death Boy nimbly lept off the sofa... shaped building and held up his own beam of destruction sword thing.

"Come face me then, hero," he taunted. Night Light grabbed a shield from the couch and raised his destruction sword and lunged forward to battle his mortal enemy to the death.

They battled to and fro, each blow coming closer into contact with skin than the last.

"You will never win," Night Light said, beads of perspiration on his forehead.

"Oh I will and I will watch as this whole empire crumbles." Death Boy's smile was twisted and his eyes glinting in the dim street lights. He made a quick swipe and Night Light narrowly dodged a hit to his side.

"I have sworn to protect the citizens and protect I will," Night Light retorted, glancing over at the citizens hiding in the corner of the street watching with their glowing eyes wide and their shadowy fur standing on end. One fell on its antlers... ignore that part.

Before he knew it, Death Boy suddenly vanished and appeared behind him and Night Light was backed into a corner with seemingly no where to go. Death Boy approached, taking his time and watching as Night Light desperately tried to think of a way out.

Death Boy raised his weapon and...


The weapon clattered to the floor as Death Boy erupted into a sneezing fit.

"Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!"

"Bless you." Night Light smirked.

"Not fair, Will!" Another six sneezes followed. Will let the sneezes relent.

"Nico, you shadow travelled!"

"It fits my character."

"Well maybe colds fit mine."

"I won," Nico declared. Will rolled his eyes and poked Nico with his light saber.

"You're dead now I win."

Nico huffed. "Well obviously the civilians will follow me anywhere. I'm their father."

"Chill out, Darth Vader. You're not the one who gives them warm snuggles at night. Besides, I witnessed their birth! I have raised them as my own!"

"I didn't ask you to."

"Do you know how many teen dads stay after pregnancy?"

"I wasn't even pregnant!"

At this point, Will and Nico’s eyes met and they burst into laughter. Will picked Nico up and tossed him onto the bed with the Cocoa Puffs. He climbed on after, holding Nico in his arms as they laughed and joked together. The Cocoa Puffs gathered around them.

"Look, Nico," Will said. "We saved the city!"

Nico laughed and kissed Will’s cheek. "That we did, Will. That we did."

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