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Will sat at his desk clicking his pen lid and rocking side to side on his swivel chair as he listened to his professor. He'd long since decided that the swivel chair was the best invention of all time. It helped him focus enormously and was a great method of satisfying his ADHD. It was part of the reason, that and the class being interesting, that he was actually managing to absorb a lot of information.

Or he was until his phone rang.

Everyone's eyes turned to him as You Are My Sunshine started playing. Will ducked his head, letting blonde curls cover his face and pinkened cheeks.

"Can I step out, Professor?" he asked quietly.

"If it's important but please answer in speaker phone so I can clarify if it is."

Will sighed but clicked the answer call. He wasn't about to ignore a call from Nico when his calls ranged from not being able to work the toaster to fatal accidents.

"Hey, Neeks, you're on speaker in my class," he said.

"What?" Nico asked louder than was necessary.

"Speaker phone, babe."

"Why is the phone speaking?"

Will groaned. "Not that... Just everyone in my class can hear you so you might want to watch what you say. What's wrong?"

"Why do you automatically assume something's wrong?"

There was a brief silence.

"Okay, there's something wrong. I swear it wasn't my fault."

"Well that's not a promising start."

"I may or may not have set a... minor fire."

"A fire?!"

"I said a minor fire! It's not my fault you got a fancy toaster."

"It's a regular toaster, darlin'. Okay, fine, did you at least put it out?"

"See, it was really good timing because Annabeth and Percy arrived early so Percy just drowned the toaster. He also burst the tap."


"Don't worry. Leo arrived early too and fixed it."

"So why are you calling me?"

"Because, amore, I didn't want you to be alarmed when you came home to a flooded kitchen and scorch marks on the walls."

Will dragged a hand down his face. "Alright. We'll talk about this when I get home."

"No, don't use your doctor voice. I said it wasn't my fault!"

"Later, Nico."


"I love you. Stay out of trouble."

"I love you too and no promises."

Before Will could respond, the line cut off and he was left being very much the centre of attention. He grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, Professor."

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