Ciao to the Love Interest

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Will knocked rhythmically on Percy’s front door. Percy had been off school that day and Annabeth was too busy to drop his homework off so Will was assigned the task. Even on sick days you couldn’t catch a break from homework.

Will fidgeted with his fingers as he waited on the doorstep. He had homework to do himself and a warm dinner. Finally, the door opened.
He came face to face with warm, chocolate eyes and messy, dark hair. The boy in front of him had tanned skin, a curious expression and a glinting septum piercing.

“You’re not Percy,” he blurted out. Wow, Will, he thought to himself. Way to state the obvious. The boy tilted his head, looking far too beautiful to actually exist let alone to be standing right there.

“You’re not Annabeth,” the boy replied in a prominent accent. Italian was Will’s guess.

“No, I’m here to drop off his homework.” Will awkwardly held up the sheets. The boy stepped to the side.

“Come in.”

As the door shut behind Will, Percy came bounding down the stairs. Will raised an eyebrow. He didn’t look ill. Percy winced when he realised how energetic he looked and started coughing in the most unrealistic way Will had ever heard in his life.

“Will.” Percy coughed. “Thanks for bringing over my homework, man. I’m just so sick.”

He sniffed loudly. Will rolled his eyes.

“You can lay off the act.”

“Don’t know what you mean.” Percy coughed again. “I see you met Nico. He’s my cousin. He’s staying with us for a bit from Italy. You should hang out. He doesn’t have friends.”

Nico shuffled anxiously on his feet. “Percy, you cannot make Will do that.”

“Sure I can!” Percy said cheerfully. “Why don’t you spend some time together? And, Will, make sure you tell Annabeth that I look on death’s doorstep. Good man.”

With one last cough, Percy retreated back upstairs and Will and Nico were left in uneasy silence.

“You want drink?” Nico asked.

“Sure,” Will said. Ordinarily, he would make excuses and leave but something compelled him to stay. Nico led him through to the kitchen and started filling up cups of water.

“So, um, why are you here?” Will asked. “Sorry that sounded rude.”

Nico handed him a cup. “Personal reasons.”

“Ah.” Will took a large gulp of water. “Want to watch a movie?”

Nico shrugged.

Will found himself sitting on Percy’s annoyingly small sofa with Nico sitting so close to him that their shoulders were brushing against each other. Will turned a movie on and put on the Italian audio with the English subtitles. Nico frowned.

“I can read and you can listen.”

“No, no,” Will insisted. “I’ve seen this movie before. I can read the subtitles.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nico mouthing the word ‘subtitles’ and couldn’t help but smile a little. Nico nodded and leaned closer into Will, sighing in contentment as the opening credits played. Will’s heart was beating out of his chest but he managed to keep a fairly neutral expression.

Halfway through the movie, Nico was properly leaning against Will and that was when Percy came down the stairs to grab a cupcake. He caught Will’s eyes over Nico’s head and gave a thumbs up followed by a suggestive gesture. Will flushed bright red and looked away, although shortly after he did casually stretch and his arm somehow ended up around Nico’s shoulders.

Nico didn’t seem to mind. He ended up snuggling closer.

When the movie ended, they stayed like that for a bit before Nico spoke up.
“This is good but you have home to go to.”

Will sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”

He reluctantly got up and Nico walked him to the door, fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper.

“It was nice to meet you, Nico. Maybe we could hang out sometime like Percy said?”

Nico smiled. “Yes. I would like that.”


“Where’ve you been?” Naomi asked as Will came through the front door.

“At Percy’s. Dropping off some homework.”

“For two hours?”

“Where’s Will been for two hours?” Kayla asked as she appeared out of no where in the kitchen as she always did whenever Will was being questioned in good sibling fashion.

“Dropping off homework at Percy’s,” Naomi said, folding her arms.

“I got distracted,” Will explained. “Percy’s cousin’s staying there so we watched a movie.”

Kayla’s eyes lit up. “A love interest?”

“Shut up.”

“A crush?” Naomi asked, leaning forward over the kitchen counter with interest now.

“You guys are the worst! He’s just staying here from Italy for a bit. We’ve met once.”

“True love at first sight.” Kayla mock swooned.

“You’ll have to invite him over for dinner!” Naomi added excitedly. Kayla started making a kissing face alongside loud lip smacking. Will thought he might die of embarrassment.

“I’m not staying here for this,” he said as he darted up the stairs.

“Tell him about my roast dinner!” Naomi called after him.

Will slammed his door shut and flopped down on his bed. His phone pinged and he glanced at it. It was Percy.

P: Thought you might like this

Underneath was a phone number. Will messaged hi and a few seconds later he got a ciao back.

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