"I'm Just As Suprised As You Are To Be Making Out With Him"

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Will clicked his pen, his foot tapping frantically on the ground. He was supposed to be studying for an important exam. Instead, the paper thin walls of his university hall's rooms were driving him crazy. Enough was enough.

Dressed in his Star Wars pyjamas with hair messed up from having a hand run through it many times and slightly bloodshot eyes, Will knocked loudly on his neighbours' door. It occured to him only when the door opened just how insane he probably looked.

"Hey." Percy Jackson grinned. Will shoved his hands in his pockets. Percy Jackson: sports scholarship, skater boy, studying marine biology and dating Will's sort-of friend Annabeth. Annabeth and Will were friendly enough to have a few conversations where she told him all about her degree in Architecture and he told her all about his one in Medicine but she rarely talked about Percy. She brushed it over whenever Will saw her leave Percy's apartment some mornings. It was fair enough. He didn't want to know.

"Who is it?" the voice of Jason Grace called. Will did know Jason albeit not very well. He was dating Will's friend from school, Piper. He was your classic jock and not bad looking. Piper seemed to be pretty headoverheels for him so Will tried to be civil. They held short conversations but nothing too long. He was studying meteorology, if Will remembered correctly.

"Piper's bro, Will!" Percy called back. Will resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Percy and Jason were, in his opinion, overly fond of the term 'bro'.

Will smoothed down his pyjama top and tried to flatten his bouncy curls as Percy stared at him expectantly and Jason poked his head around the corner.

"Hey, man." Jason smiled. "What's up?"

Standing in the doorway, Will could make out the lyrics to the music. It was Green Day. He liked 'American Idiot' as much as the next person but this was ridiculous.

"I was wondering if you could turn the music down. I'm studying for finals," Will asked sweetly.

"Ah, so sorry, dude," Percy apologised. "Nico's becoming a forensic scientist, if I'm pronouncing that right, and he uses the music to concentrate. I may or may not have accidentally thrown his airpods in the loo the other day so he's just blasting it. We forget that people aren't used to draining out Nico Focus Music."

He turned his head towards Nico's door.


The music stopped abruptly and out stepped Nico Di Angelo.

Where should Will start with Nico Di Angelo? He was 5'4 with messy, shoulder-length, black hair. He had an olive skin tone and freckles all over his nose bridge. He had never seen a colour other than black in his life and black isn't even a colour. More over, he and Will didn't exactly get along. Nico thought Will was too optimistic and bright and Will thought Nico was too pessimistic and gloomy. It wasn't like Will hadn't tried to be friends with Nico but, whenever they talked, it usually ended in insults.

Perhaps more important than that were Nico's eyes. They were deep pools of chocolate, catching under the light and shining. They lit up when he talked about something he loved, which was when the Italian in him came out and his hands started waving around and he talked so quickly it was hard to catch what he was saying. How did Will know this? He spent an embarrassing amount of time watching the person he was supposed to hate.

"What do you want?" Nico scowled when he saw Will. Will sighed.

"I can hear your music through the wall. Can you turn it down?"

"I need it to focus."

"Well, I need to focus too."

Nico folded his arms. "Can't you just wear headphones?"

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