You Nutter

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Nico watched admiringly over the table as Will poured his coffee. He rested his chin on his hand, propped up on the cold surface like a lovesick teenager.

He wasn't a lovesick teenager.

He was a lovesick twenty four year old.

Nico smiled. It was January and Nico was cold despite drowning in an oversized hoodie while Will was wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants. His boyfriend always ran warm.

Will brought the coffee to his lips, winking at Nico.

Nico snorted. "No flirting before nine o'clock."

"I'm sorry," Will said. "Do you want the rest of my coffee?"

Nico reached for the cup, downing half of it in one gulp. Will stepped around the table, resting a hand on Nico's shoulder and kissing his head.

Nico turned his head for a kiss on the lips.

"The Jacksons are coming soon, right?" Will asked, gently brushing his thumb along Nico's collarbone.

"Yeah. Someone has to teach Sally May how to be cool and it's not gonna be Percy," Nico answered. He spoke quietly to keep the sanctity of their morning atmosphere.

"She's four," Will said. "Prime time to shape the young girl. Her brain is squishy."

Nico laughed, leaning back against Will's chest.

"Is that a doctor's opinion?"

"Paramedic," Will corrected. "And yes. I'm very opinionated."

"I'm well aware, weirdo."

There's a pause where Nico focused on the rise and fall of Will's chest and the softness of their love, enveloping them with careful arms.

Nico took another sip of coffee.

"Do you want to get married?" Will asked.

Nico burst into a hacking cough. Will clapped him on the back as Nico gathered himself up.

"Was that... Was that a proposal?"

He watched Will expectantly. Will tilted his head and then beamed, dropping suddenly on one knee.

"You know what, yes. Will you marry me, Nico?"

Nico started laughing, leaning forward and holding Will's face in his hands.

"Where is this coming from?" he asked, smiling in disbelief.

"You're amazing," Will said, "and I love you. And I really want to have a party where I get to tell everyone that."

Nico leaned forward, resting their foreheads together and closing his eyes.

"You're ridiculous," he muttered. "Absolutely ridiculous."

"That's not a no."

"Are you serious?"

Will quickly kissed Nico once and then twice.

"Deadly," he said.

Nico took a breath and leaned back.

"Okay," he whispered.

"Okay?" Will repeated, looking like the sun. "You'll marry me?"

"Yes, you nutter. I'll marry you."

Will whooped, surging forward to kiss Nico, pulling him as close as possible.

Nico grinned through it all, holding tight to Will's arms.

His fiancé's arms.

Holy fuck.

They broke apart when the doorbell rung.

"Speaking of nutters," Nico mumbled, extracting himself from Will's arms to answer the door.

As soon as he'd opened the front door, he found himself with Percy bringing him into a crushing hug.

"Hey, lovebirds!"

Nico wriggled free and waited for Will to hug Annabeth before hugging her himself. Nico and Annabeth had gotten close over the years.

"Uncle Nico!" Sally May tugged at Nico's hoodie.

"You gonna put on a shirt, Will?" Percy asked. Will looked down.

"F...udge! I forgot about that. Give me a minute," he said, darting off to their room.

Nico shook his head fondly, ruffling Sally May's hair.

Percy slung an arm around Nico's shoulders, leading him through to the living room.

"So what's going on, di Angelo?" he asked.

"Woke up," Nico said, "had my coffee, got engaged."

Percy stopped. "You..."

Annabeth smiled, holding a hand up for a high five. Nico obliged.

"Nice," she said.

"I wanna be flower girl!" Sally May exclaimed.

Nico picked her up, meeting her eyes with a serious expression. "Will you be my flower girl, Sally May?"

"Yes!" Sally May squealed, twisting around to where Will was emerging from the bedroom. "Uncle Will! I'm gonna be a flower girl!"

"You are?" Will gasped, coming over to kiss Nico's temple.

Nico held up Sally May with one arm and used his free hand to inspect Will's Darth Vader t-shirt.

"You better dress better for the wedding," Nico commented.

"When did this happen?" Percy blurted out.

"This morning," Will answered casually. "It was kind of spontaneous. Sorry, was I supposed to ask for your blessing or something?"

"I..." Percy hesitated. "Yes? No? I don't know. What?"

"Don't hurt yourself, honey," Annabeth said.

"Don't worry, Percy," Nico said. "You get to be best man."

Nico watched in amusement as Percy's last shred of sanity evaporated.



Hey, loves! This is kinda cracky fluff. I'm tired so this is not very well thought out but who cares.

Ash x

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